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  1. It was so much work to do but shedding all the things we no longer needed or wanted before we moved was worth the work. Everything we unbox is something we chose to bring with us; I like the vibe of unpacking like this.
  2. Thank you! I have a consult with a design company in a few weeks. It’s a company out of Indiana recommended to me by Sweetwater rep. I did my last one and it came out well but this time I’ve decided to hire a professional to do the design for both acoustic treatment and sound containment.
  3. We are already enjoying it very much! it’s the calm before the storm right now though - the movers will be here in the next hour. I’m excited to have places to sit and my computers up and running sometime today. 👍
  4. Well we arrived at the new home around noon yesterday. We had woken up early in Emigrant Springs State Park where we camped for the night and decided to hit the road. It sure is pretty up here and we just keep discovering new plants and flowers. We slept better last night than we have in weeks. We are hoping for another great night of sleep as the movers arrive tomorrow for deliver of over 300 boxes. I will breath a sigh of relief when they leave and our stuff is in the house. It’s beautiful, we love our new home, and the people have all been very welcoming so far. ☀️
  5. Well, I will probably check on the Deals forum this week but won't be around much until Sunday or Monday. The movers come to take our stuff tomorrow, and then we head out on Tuesday. We rented a one-way motorhome for my wife and I to take our dogs, plants, and other items we didn't want to have the movers take. It's a four day journey to Portland. I am actually really excited to be done with packing and to be getting on the road. I'm glad we took the time to go through all of our belongings before packing. We had over a dozen trips to Goodwill and we gave away enough stuff to furnish a two bedroom apartment. We got to make a lot of people smile and we get a chance of a fresh start when we get there. We are very excited about this new chapter and a new studio is my number one priority - but to be fair it's probably not the #1 priority of my wife. lol
  6. The new player actually worked on my PC and this has some lovely sounds. I look forward to playing with it after the move...
  7. Thank you for pointing this out! I might give it another look...
  8. I bought a version a few months ago and could not get their engine to work (they gave me a refund). I'd love to have this, but they'll need to move it to a better engine before I'll bite again.
  9. I guess I'm going back to college...
  10. I've been waiting to click Buy until I heard from you! 🤣
  11. Why not Fleer? I've had my eye on these for awhile. Interesting fact - if you add the three items to your cart instead of the bundle, you get an extra 10% off. I don't think you give up any product either...? (disregard, bad math!)
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