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Ricardo Belled

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Everything posted by Ricardo Belled

  1. Well, that was it! I disabled my AdBlocker on the site and everything went through with my existing account. You know, that's the mess we've created with elevating marketing to one of the highest goods, with Steve Jobs as the Messiah. Our world is unbearable with ads on, but doesn't work properly while blocking the normally incessant tracking.... but I digress. Even though I do NOT want to support software that's only available with a subscription unless at least a permanently working version is the result after a certain number of months of paying, or a perpetual license is available for sale, I DID subscribe for this year as a thank you for all the good years and the free updates for the last couple. Again, unless there's an option for a perpetual license I will not be renewing. Thanks, R
  2. I even signed up a new account with another email address and it still didn't give me the $71 option. It's simply not working for me...
  3. As the title says: how exactly do I get the Black Friday deal? When I click on the link it shows me a price of $150 or so. I've never subscribed... Thanks! R
  4. Rescanning didn't work, using the updated VST scanner did the trick!
  5. OK. now we're getting somewhere. The Cakewalk IS the newest version, but the VST Scanner seems older than what you're showing.
  6. And just checked: the location you specified is exactly where it is installed. Tried rescanning but it doesn't work. When I examine it in Plug-in manager, it does indicate it thinks it's in the incorrect location that the error message throws up.
  7. Again, it works fine in Ableton, in Gig Performer, stand-alone, I rescanned VSTs in Cakewalk, no go.
  8. OK smart *****, I figured since it was already known there were problems with VST3 plugs and I wasn't at my machine with MODOBASS installed I'd just chime in, but attached a screenshot of the error. (And again: MODO BASS 2 works fine on the same machine in any other DAW)
  9. Hey Noel, I'm still on CBB and all of a sudden I can't use IK Multimedia MODOBASS 2 as VST3. It's properly installed, works fine Stand-Alone and in Gig Performer, but Cakewalk throws up an error on loading.
  10. On my mobile devices I can't get the best low latency performance unless I disable the ACPI Battery Control Method driver in Device Manager. Once I do that, my XPS18s and my Surface Pro 3s behave perfectly, running at 64 sample buffer sizes all day long. R
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