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  1. 1. Is it possible to make autosave work in the background without interfering with the workflow? In small projects everything works well and one can say that it is unnoticeable. But in large projects where there are many tracks (80 or more), autosaving takes 3-5 seconds and at this moment it is impossible to do anything that takes away from the workflow. 2. Please make it possible to adjust the volume and scroll bar of the sample in the browser. 3. Please make sure that when the tempo changes, the audio loop is stretched using the same algorithm as in audiosnap. I described it in detail in this thread. 4. Make the bar dividing line more contrasting in the Dark theme.
  2. This button here. Can I assign a hotkey?
  3. Tell me, can I assign a hotkey to the duplicate track function?
  4. Fine. And if the project slows down or speeds up. What to do then?
  5. I often work with instrumental and percussion loops. Which need to be adjusted to the pace of the project. Have you ever adjusted a shaker or tambourine loop to the desired tempo?
  6. I don't agree with you. It still stretches, just not as well. Well, if you are right, then it would be logical to add this function to Sonar. I very often work with different loops that need to be slowed down or speeded up.
  7. Please tell me what am I doing wrong? Why does the first track sound worse than the second? I recorded two videos. In the first video, the Radius mix algorithm, in the second, Elastique Pro.
  8. Yes, I read it. There is no answer to my question there. If I export these two tracks, the first one still sounds worse (with the chorus effect).
  9. Watch the video. I bounced both tracks.
  10. I read the reference guide. I didn't find the information I needed. Here are my settings.
  11. I recorded a video. Why does the first track sound worse? How to change the stretching algorithm for the first track?
  12. Hello! Tell me what stretching algorithm is used when I use Groove-clip loop. How can I change the algorithm? I noticed this when setting a loop to the desired tempo using the AudioSnap feature (Clip Follows project). This makes the sound more natural without the chorus effect. If I use Groove-clip loop playback, the chorus effect appears.
  13. The "Quantize" window appears 1-2 seconds after pressing. Before this update, it was displayed instantly. The remaining windows are displayed faster, but generally slower than in the previous version. Please fix this. I often use “Quantize”, it has become inconvenient to work with.
  14. I have been working with cards from Roland for more than 10 years. I worked on octa-capture for 6 years, during all this time not a single problem! Very stable and reliable card. Now I’m working on a Roland Super UA card, and there are no comments either. Stable and reliable!
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