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  1. Yeah, Clips Muted, Position Locked, Data Locked.
  2. Can you post a screenshot of what you are seeing?
  3. I believe your interface uses only software to control the Input Monitoring balance. The software app is called UAD Console. Below are links to the page where you can download UAD Console and its manual, and one of many YouTube videos that explains its use. Also search out other Videos on YouTube about UAD Console. There are a LOT of them. This kind of software can be very useful once you get the hang of it. UAD Console Get Started with UAD Console Video
  4. What kind of Audio Interface are you using? Are you monitoring through headphones? Are you using Direct Monitoring? Many audio interfaces have a knob, or software control, that balances the audio between what is coming in through the Inputs and what is coming out of the DAW in the headphones output. If this is set wrong it can easily cause the problem you are having, if you are monitoring through headphones.
  5. I use it in every project, but mostly in the PRV, where it's very handy when fleshing out keyboard parts and harmonies.
  6. Pretty cool. I'm feeling a real Rickey Medlocke/Blackfoot vibe in it.
  7. Chaps

    Cakewalk Does Not Start Up

    The generic Steinberg low-latency driver has been known to cause problems with Cakewalk's ASIO function. Here is what I would do if I were you. Completely uninstall the Steinberg audio driver (I would use Revo Uninstaller) and install the Yamaha Steinberg audio driver. The driver is part of the Tools package, or can be downloaded and installed separately from the Steinberg website. UR242 DOWNLOADS
  8. I don't use any Region FX but it looks like it is enabled in your second image. I guess. I have no familiarity how it looks when in use. Was that a Bounce to Track and it created markers in your timeline??
  9. What version of Cakewalk is that? What shortcut key do you press to add a marker? In Cakewalk by Bandlab, if you press the Marker shortcut key while the project is playing it will insert markers that start with letters of the alphabet, but I've never seen anything like what you posted.
  10. I would look for volume automation in the tracks and the buses they are routed to.
  11. I would try logging onto my account at the Bandlab website first, if you haven't already tried that.
  12. The above link results in a Wordpress Critical Error message and the page does not load. The one below seems to work okay. https://organic-instruments.com/products/arcadia/
  13. That's where music theory comes in. Every major key has a relative minor key, and vice-versa, that uses the same key signature. Let's say you want to do a song in e minor. E minor is the relative minor of G Major and they use the same Key Signature. So if you need to pick a key signature for e minor it would be the same as G Major. Same notes, same distances between the notes, The difference being that in G Major the scale starts on G and in e minor it starts on E. A handy rule of thumb is that in a major scale, the Relative Minor Scale would start on the 6th scale degree of the Major Scale, and the Relative Major Scale would start on the 3rd Scale degree of the minor scale. Here is a website with the basics of knowing which key signature to use for Major and minor keys. Relative Major and Minor Keys.
  14. Cakewalk can't edit video. You'll have to use some kind of video editing software to do that, or use an online video editor. Video editing software can also give you a better quality finished product. Cakewalk's main video focus is to put together a soundtrack for a video. I picked up Corel VideoStudio Ultimate 2023 a few weeks ago to do some basic video editing with my nature videos and I'm pretty happy with it. Here are my suggestions. Trim your video using video editing software, use Cakewalk to put your soundtrack together using the trimmed video, then export the Cakewalk audio for use in your video editing software to make your finished product. Here is the first project I used the Corel software to make a video with. Corel Video VideoStudio Ultimate 2023 software with Cakewalk audio.
  15. If it were me, I would run Cakewalk in a different driver mode, like WASAPI Shared. If the device shows up in your Cakewalk Audio Devices, and you are able to play and record from it, that would suggest that an ASIO driver was the problem. It is possible that your problem is caused by an ASIO driver that is installed but you are not using. I had this problem when a Steinberg Low-Latency driver was interfering with the Yamaha Steinberg driver I needed to use for ASIO. I suggest you search your registry for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO to see what other ASIO drivers are installed in that folder and delete them. You can search the Internet for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO and you will find many examples of people solving ASIO problems by deleting unneeded ASIO drivers from that folder.
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