Since Cakewalk Sonar is out of business, I have decided to switch to another DAW, Presonus Studio One, instead of continuing with BandLab Cakewalk. However, there will be times when I will want to import the audio and MIDI tracks from some of my old Sonar projects for continued refinement in Studio One. I already found out and tested how to do this from my existing PC – no problem. But I will be buying a new computer soon (discarding my existing one) so I am left with two choices, either:
1. Install my old Sonar X1 app from disks into a new Windows 10 computer and export the audio and MIDI tracks from select Sonar projects, or
2. Download and install the free (correct?) Bandlab Cakewalk app, open up old .cwp project files in it and export the audio and MIDI tracks from there.
Which method will be simpler and most efficient? I read that I should be able to install the old Sonar X1 app into a Windows 10 computer but I wonder about the problems I will run into. Will I need to “register” Sonar again? But how can this be done considering Cakewalk is no longer in business?
Regarding the second method, I have read there are issues importing old .cwp files into BandLab Cakewalk. Also once in Bandlab Cakewalk, I don’t know if I can export the audio and MIDI tracks from a project as easily as I can do it from the old Cakewalk Sonar.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!