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  1. It was the 1st thing I've done before post here ?‍♂️ The MP3 was rendered OK, only this Error happens, everytime I'm using MP3 encoder. ? Maybe someone from BandLab will help..?
  2. I have problem in Cakewalk during rendering into MP3. Anyone have any advice? CW is after full fresh reinstall.
  3. Nope, still the same... I really need to make a few recordings for Theater. So, I uninstalling Cakewalk right now and install some Older version of SONAR.
  4. I already tried 16b/48k but its the same. And i always record in Hi-RES (24/192) and everything was fine. But after reinstall it is not. I tried older MIC but its the same. It looks like i need to change the SW for recordings.
  5. Hey! I'm user of SAMSON G-Track Pro, as same as before version of this mic... but After reinstall Cakewalk, i can't use this MIC anymore. But why? I already reinstall the microphone, set the optimal settings and Cakewalk don't want to use it. Can you help me?
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