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Wave Function

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  1. So interesting. Has a les claypool vibe to me. Love the video.
  2. Haha this is great. Love me some cuphead!!
  3. Next level guitar talent. Nice I could never find the time to practice to improve to even close to this speed and timing!
  4. I dig the ambience in your tracks. Nice and mellow good vibes! ?
  5. Use ADD 2 for drums and and a patch I made in serum for the intro then faded in my my microbrute sequence. One take, just rode the envelope and filter .
  6. Hi. Please check out my new track. Need to cut some low freqs I think. Also guitar tone seems a lot more clear on the monitors than anywhere else https://www.bandlab.com/wavefuncton/glossolalia-89134d78?revId=0d926e8b-59f9-e911-add2-2818789a0160
  7. Everything but the drums and atmospheric parts are from the Microbrute and my knockoff Fender I used on Spin
  8. I've been married for seven years so I cannot really relate. But I did loose my father 6 years ago. It's great you were able to recapture what once was lost. I hope it floods you with memories everytime you listen
  9. Love the feel. Really opens up as it progresses
  10. I really dig this ? very well written.
  11. Wow. Thank you for such a compliment! I don't play drums unfortunately. I do love rhythm though. Copeland has great style. Look up Danny Carey drumming. That guys my biggest influence. I try to program all my drums to compliment my chord progressions and melodies
  12. Guitar tone is amazing. Great performance .
  13. Catchy and well done. I like this
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