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  1. I think there is sadly no change to get them back or as build in. I bought my last Z3TA 2.2.2 in 2017 and Dimension Pro was last seen in my Sonar 8. Good old Times, where are they gone
  2. I think that the manufacturer is responsible for whether his plug-in has this information implied. With some plug-ins the recognition in CW works very well. Ralf
  3. Hey CbB´s On my wish list is the function to set a Note event in the Piano Roll with a single click only. I´m setting mostly Notes in the Piano Roll by click them in, but it´s no fun to do it always with a double click. My 2nd wish is the Note editing by itself in the Roll, the Tool have to change by itself into a Rubber / Eraser if i point the Pen in the middle of the Note or by a click on the Mouse weehl or a Keyboard shortcut, something like this. I tested Studio One out and this Midi Editings in the Piano Roll is the greatest i´ve ever seen, i wish the same features in CW too. Sorry for my bad english but i hope you understand a little of my wishlist (:o Ralf
  4. Hey CbB´s I´m using Sitala as a Sampler for weeks now and i´m very impressed of this Free NOT ONLY Drums Sampler. ! I like the possibilities in Sitala i have. Can import any kinds and lenghts of Samples into it and edit multible them direct in the VSTs Window and the Knobs. After the imports and editings, i can save it as my own Kit !! Thats what i like most in Sitala. You should have a look at this Plug-In Follow this Link: https://decomposer.de/sitala.html All the best .... Ralf
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