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Everything posted by christian.landstrom

  1. Solved it myslf by using bandlab app on my phone. But this really need to by fixed. Cakewalk Sonar now regged, working and has crashed , tried to change driver settings while playing the project in sonar. Not recommended I guess. ?
  2. Hi, I logged in at Bandlab, clicked on "https://www.bandlab.com/membership" and I end up here "https://www.bandlab.com/checkout" so far so good. All I get is "unable to proceed with payment, object event" = no membership, no subscription. I have tried both the annual and monthly options to no avail. I have doublechecked that settings for payment on Bandlab.com is correct and money is in my bank account for the purchase. How do I solve this?
  3. Opened Cakewalk five minutes ago, after I have updated to latest version and tried to sign in through "help" and "sign in to bandlab" nothing happens??? I see a round blue ring next to the mouse pointer and then nothing? After a while I get the message again "Please sign in to your Bandlab account to activate Cakewalk". Never had this problem after an update before??? Edit: Tried to inactivate the firewall and antivirus, both Norton 360 to no avail. Updated the Bandlab application but can't login anymore to the application so I uninstalled it. No problem to log in at bandlab.com Edit 2: And now I get "Sign-in attempt timed out waiting for user responce"? Edit 3: Finally a browser window opens and I log in to Bandlab and now I'm finally registered. Problem solved!!!
  4. Tried this in a new project in cakewalk by Bandlab. Inserted Kontakt 7 and loaded Lores – Restless Dreams, playing back no problem. I record with lores loaded and when trying to listen to the recording Lores is Silent. Works if I reload the library again. Tried the above with Pharlight no problem. Same with all other libraries I try in Kontakt 7 with Cakewalk. Repeated the above in Presonus Studio 5 and no problem there at all with Lores. Anyone else experienced this and if so is there a solution?
  5. "Did you install them in the correct directory path and correct DLL Vst3?" - Yes. Not in the "exclude list". Will try your other advise and run a manual scan.
  6. I can't figure out why? Everything uppdated to latest drivers, operating system , daw. Other plugins from SSL showing for example SSL Native X-Saturator & Native X-Camp. I have checked that path to the plugin in daw is correct. Unistalled and installed. Checked that proberly activated in iLok but nothing works. I also have Presonus Studio One 5.5.1 installed and same result there???
  7. Did a quick search on how to fix a slow computer... "How can I fix a slow computer? 10 ways to fix a slow computer Uninstall unused programs. (AP) ... Delete temporary files. Whenever you use internet Explorer all your browsing history remains in the depths of your PC. ... Install a solid state drive. ... Get more hard drive storage. ... Stop unnecessary start ups. ... Get more RAM. ... Run a disk defragment. ... Run a disk clean-up." Hopefully you already tried this but posted it anyway.
  8. I have no idea why, but suddenly everything just works as normal again. Sound fine in phones as well.
  9. Solid state = SSL2+ = audio interface. Could have been that something was wrong there. Listening through phones and when I changed to monitors the audio reappeared. Will check if everything is okay tomorrow.
  10. I tried to copy the wav-file to a new project and I can see the meters moving but the track is silent???
  11. And I can't for the life of me figure out why? I must have pushed a button I not intended to push? Need some help here.
  12. It's been there for a while, a year maybe, never caused any problems until today. Solved it by trying to open my latest project directly from the ´cwp-file and saw somtething flimmering by. It crashed, so I tried again and this time I took a print screen which I pasted into MS paint. Saw that it tried to load the driver so I disabled it and voila! Editing drums now and is a happy camper ?
  13. Finally found the problem, Sonic studio virtual mixer, comes with Asus mothercard. Uninstalled the device in in the device manager, now I just have to get rid of it permanentely. Never used Sonic studio virtual mixer anyway.
  14. I'm starting to think I need to reinstall all Cakewalk related from X1 and forward as I wnat to keep the plugins from each revision. Rather not, as it is a real pain. All I wanted to do today was edit some drums not troubleshoot Cakewalk...
  15. Installed the VC and uninstallled and reinstalled Cakewalk, did a reboot, Still not working same result? Edit: I still have Sonar X2 and Sonar Platinum installed. Sonar X2 started but not Sonar Platinum and as I said can't start cakewalk by Bandlab. I tried to start with shift+clicking the icon. The program says "Cakewalk will now perzonalize your user settings..." and the crashes. By the way, sorry if my english is a little off, not my mother tongue. (I'm from Sweden).
  16. Thank you! Will try to install the VC and hopefully that works, fingers crossed! ?
  17. When I try to start Cakewalk I can se the "Cakewalk by Bandlab* picture. It disappears and then nothing. I've tried to run as administrator, restart the machine but still not working. Cakewalk worked fine yesterday, only thing I can think of is that I moved Cakewalk content from disc e:\ to c:\ and changed path in the program. Tried to install latest patch once more and copy Cakewalk content to e:\ and still not working? Edit: Tried to unistall and reinstall Cakewalk using the advanced option and noticed it's not possible to change path cakewalk core from E:\? Still not working by the way. I also have Studio one and Notion6 installed and both of those start up without a problem.
  18. El Clapo is in Sonar as a single instrument track (synth) to be able to record it as audio i had to make a new audio track and choose El Clapo as input. Not ideal but it worked. Recording the synth directly gives neither sound or midi in the single instrument track.
  19. I'm using El Clapo sequencer and is trying to get either midi or audio to record to a track but has been unable to figure out how? I can here sound on playback and the claps are there if i bounce down the entire track, but how can i record it to the track? I'm totally lost here and could really need some help please!
  20. If Kontakt6 counts as the same synt it is possible. The track is not cloned but created from scratch by choosing kontakt as an instrument and the dragged to make a midi track. When I've done that I choose the instrument inside Kontakt. If I make a new track and the delete the old one the problem i s solved for a while. But as I have many instances om Kontakt in this particualr project it is a nusance as the problem reappear randomly.
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