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  1. Solved it myslf by using bandlab app on my phone. But this really need to by fixed. Cakewalk Sonar now regged, working and has crashed , tried to change driver settings while playing the project in sonar. Not recommended I guess. ?
  2. Hi, I logged in at Bandlab, clicked on "https://www.bandlab.com/membership" and I end up here "https://www.bandlab.com/checkout" so far so good. All I get is "unable to proceed with payment, object event" = no membership, no subscription. I have tried both the annual and monthly options to no avail. I have doublechecked that settings for payment on Bandlab.com is correct and money is in my bank account for the purchase. How do I solve this?
  3. Opened Cakewalk five minutes ago, after I have updated to latest version and tried to sign in through "help" and "sign in to bandlab" nothing happens??? I see a round blue ring next to the mouse pointer and then nothing? After a while I get the message again "Please sign in to your Bandlab account to activate Cakewalk". Never had this problem after an update before??? Edit: Tried to inactivate the firewall and antivirus, both Norton 360 to no avail. Updated the Bandlab application but can't login anymore to the application so I uninstalled it. No problem to log in at bandlab.com Edit 2: And now I get "Sign-in attempt timed out waiting for user responce"? Edit 3: Finally a browser window opens and I log in to Bandlab and now I'm finally registered. Problem solved!!!
  4. Tried this in a new project in cakewalk by Bandlab. Inserted Kontakt 7 and loaded Lores – Restless Dreams, playing back no problem. I record with lores loaded and when trying to listen to the recording Lores is Silent. Works if I reload the library again. Tried the above with Pharlight no problem. Same with all other libraries I try in Kontakt 7 with Cakewalk. Repeated the above in Presonus Studio 5 and no problem there at all with Lores. Anyone else experienced this and if so is there a solution?
  5. "Did you install them in the correct directory path and correct DLL Vst3?" - Yes. Not in the "exclude list". Will try your other advise and run a manual scan.
  6. I can't figure out why? Everything uppdated to latest drivers, operating system , daw. Other plugins from SSL showing for example SSL Native X-Saturator & Native X-Camp. I have checked that path to the plugin in daw is correct. Unistalled and installed. Checked that proberly activated in iLok but nothing works. I also have Presonus Studio One 5.5.1 installed and same result there???
  7. Did a quick search on how to fix a slow computer... "How can I fix a slow computer? 10 ways to fix a slow computer Uninstall unused programs. (AP) ... Delete temporary files. Whenever you use internet Explorer all your browsing history remains in the depths of your PC. ... Install a solid state drive. ... Get more hard drive storage. ... Stop unnecessary start ups. ... Get more RAM. ... Run a disk defragment. ... Run a disk clean-up." Hopefully you already tried this but posted it anyway.
  8. I have no idea why, but suddenly everything just works as normal again. Sound fine in phones as well.
  9. Solid state = SSL2+ = audio interface. Could have been that something was wrong there. Listening through phones and when I changed to monitors the audio reappeared. Will check if everything is okay tomorrow.
  10. I tried to copy the wav-file to a new project and I can see the meters moving but the track is silent???
  11. And I can't for the life of me figure out why? I must have pushed a button I not intended to push? Need some help here.
  12. It's been there for a while, a year maybe, never caused any problems until today. Solved it by trying to open my latest project directly from the ´cwp-file and saw somtething flimmering by. It crashed, so I tried again and this time I took a print screen which I pasted into MS paint. Saw that it tried to load the driver so I disabled it and voila! Editing drums now and is a happy camper ?
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