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Guillermo Diaz

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Everything posted by Guillermo Diaz

  1. Thanks for replying me, but the modules still not apeear, i never change the interface scaling, i did it 3 times and the problem still there :(
  2. Hi, new pro channel modules are not visible, i have the last update
  3. Is a posibility to have this plungin back too? VX 64 is excellent and PX 64 was good too. Any chances??
  4. Hi, it's almost 6 months with no updates of CbB, mine works ok but i wonder if someday CbB enter to the Dolby Atmos Mix, anyone in the staff, do you consider this possibility? Or it's time to look other DAWs who already hace this option? What do you think?
  5. Hi! I don´t know if this is the place to post this. Is there a chance to have a different panning option? Like binaural panning of Logic Pro. Thanks!!
  6. Oh im sorry for not to explain well. No, i dont have any midi fx, I use Sampletank 3 and migrate all the sounds and midi channels to sampletank 4 and seems to free some ram, but the issue persist.
  7. White 2a is a compressor, but I disable all the fx and still have the issue I already email to cakewalk hoping they can help me
  8. How can i check this option? i have Ik multimedia White 2A in some fx, everything are simple eq
  9. Hi, anyone have this issue? I have a large midi project, and i have midi notes dropouts, even if i mix the song, this dropouts are random, things that never occured preivously. I hava a midi buffer size in 1000 ms, i read another discussion, and apparently, then can increase more, but in my computer dont let me pass the 1000 ms barrier. Help me please, i have work to do. I have a Icore i5, 16gb ram, Win10 64bits. Thanks!
  10. i have maximun buffer size and i have this dropouts, even if i mix the project. Somebody for help!! I have work to do.
  11. Hi Billy, how do you put the buffer in 2500??? I have issues with this topic and I can't increase the size over 1000
  12. i dont know how to describe it, its more like glitches, one note, when i exported to Wav, none of this clicks are present. Maybe i will what you do.
  13. No, this clicks are different, i know thw clipping noise sounds like distortion, this is more like if you make noises with a turntable
  14. Anyone have this issue? When I exported my mixes to mp3 direct from Cakewalk, i noticed that generates random clicks and pops and the mix doesn't have any of this noises. Seems that in wav format doesn't have this issue.
  15. Hi, recently i bougth Carbon Electra, a synth from Plugin Boutique. I have an issue, when play and record some midi data, and play the file, sounds good, but when i close the proyect and reopen the same, the audio changes, but the midi data no. Here is what Plugin Boutique support answer: Hi Guillermo, I hope you are well and many thanks for your patience. I have received the below information from the Carbon Electra developer regarding the issue that you are currently experiencing with the software... "Hi Thomas, Cakewalk has a bug with its internal state where it provides the incorrect sample rate to the plug-in when the plug-in requests the current sample rate after processing has resumed. 1): DAW host loads project or new plug-in instance, DAW host communicates sample rate to the plug-in correctly. 2): Host informs the plug-in that processing has begun, The plug-in requests the current sample rate, The host responds with an incorrect sample rate. The customer should report this to support their DAW host. Thanks, Elliot" I hope this helps and let me know if I can assist you with anything else. Anyone can help me? Thanks!!! and take care ourselves!!
  16. Hi, after do the instalation again, like JonD suggest, finally works!!! Thanks and i apologize for wasting your time ?!
  17. ok in a coupleof hours i will do it, and please help, none of the anterior updates need to no nothing
  18. Im install the update in spanish, maybe i try the english version
  19. i dont know if the download was corrupt, i made the update twice, and i had the same result, lucky the rollback was good
  20. In both cases, CbB dont pass the splash screen, an yes, the error opening is from the bandlab assistant
  21. But why in the other version dont need to do that? I rebbot my system 3 times and keeps freezing on the splash screen, and none of other programs, like Virtual instruments in stand alone mode dont need to do any driver change. after i install the update, the bandlab app says that cannot open Cakewalk.exe, and i try to run as administrator as the popup says, and the app keeps freeze.
  22. The program just freezes at the start point!!! What happened? The program never do this until this new update!!! I have to rollback to the 2020.08
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