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About SaharaChintha

  • Birthday 09/18/1972

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  1. Hi Paulo Tried it But no luck Hi pwalpwal Did it - But still the same... THX
  2. hi pwalpwal Tried as administrator, Still same result Copied the data file to C and tried too and the result is same... ;-(
  3. Hi Chuck E Baby and Thanks... Even in a new project without using any other plugin i cant use Virtual Bassist. Yes I am using 32 bit VST 2 Virtual Bassist. sample .dat file is in my d:/ Drive. I changed Playback midi buffer to 750 msec Still same.
  4. Thanks Chuck E Baby ? when i add the Virtual Bassist vst2 plugin and load a bank cake walk frees and on top it says "Not Responding" - Have to Kill the process, Switch off the sound card and on again before restarting cakewalk where can i find the "midi buffer" settings
  5. Thanks CJ Jacobson Windows 10 Enterprise x64 I'm using UA 101 Even A new project Cakewalk Hangs
  6. Is anyone using Virtual Bassist... And Working without any Problems... When I ***** the VSTi it Freezes... Any Solutions Please Help.. THX
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