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Gunnar Åkerlund

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  1. I haven´t changed anything in the Mac or Windows areas of my computer. Only upgraded Cakewalk. ?
  2. The uppgrade went fine and Demo mode is no more but still the program is not working as it use to. See my first post. Would like to know how to fix it!! Gunnar
  3. I haven´t been using Cakewalk for a while and when I started my Cakewalk computer I got a notice that I need to connect or stay in Demo-mode. I let the Bandlab assistant upgrade. Now some of my Modules like Tool, Snap and Transport is not working. Say I try to change the tempo or try to play. Noting happens. The controls doen´t react. All other clickingseems to work. I´m using Win7 on Parallells on my Mac.
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