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David Pilkington

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  1. I recently updated my version of Komplete Kontrol using the NI updater. When I ran the new version it did it's usual scan of VSTi etc. I then noticed when I ran CbB some of the VSTs that I had installed a while back were re-scanned as new VSTs in CbB. I was just wondering if anyone else has noticed this? I'm quite new to CbB so maybe this is just normal.
  2. Many thanks for the info Jim. ?
  3. This post has now gone stale and has been deleted.
  4. Thanks for a great (free) software product. I've been a 'midi-head' since the days of the Atari ST computer (1985 onwards) and Cakewalk by Bandlab surpasses all my expectations. Keep up the great work!
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