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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Here: https://www.soundemote.com/labs/flower-child
  2. Apparently some lingering latency issues according to a GearSlutz thread.
  3. They actually offer a number of strings freebies, even some brass and a river harp. Thanks indeed for reminding us, TS.
  4. From @kvr: Dan Brown Jr's Crime Scoring Toolkit library is only $5 (reg. $49.99) at Sample Hero with code SH_DBJ'S_BDAY_$5 https://samplehero.com/collections/virtual-instruments/products/dan-brown-jrs-crime-scoring-toolkit
  5. Fleer

    RastSound lowest

    Rare Instruments Collection from Rast Sound at its lowest price. 10 libraries > 84 EUR only, discount code: RRR84 Link, https://rastsound.com/
  6. Fleer

    A new beginning

    The king abides.
  7. These guys are quite remarkable, once seen as Pianoteq’s modeling competitor, yet nothing has evolved in a long while it seems.
  8. Fleer

    A new beginning

    and a brave new world.
  9. Lovely freebie indeed. Check out their Markus 88 Rhodes while you’re at it!
  10. I’m afraid not. Even when editing instantly after posting, it gets marked as “Edited”.
  11. Maybe it’s Bapoo, his evil sibling.
  12. Checked some other threads and it seems you can even get 6 months free (or 3 months Hi-Res) but some people say they still get charged after canceling. Better use PayPal instead of your credit card for your account. And cancel immediately (in Tidal and PayPal) as you’ll still be able to use your free months.
  13. Seems you can still get in on the first day of the new year.
  14. Whistle library from Rast Sound is free only until tomorrow (2019). Link, https://rastsound.com/downloads/whistle/ (thanks, roalin)
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