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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. At last another Sample Logic sale. Love those libs.
  2. Yep, great one. Good to see it on sale.
  3. Sample Logic. One of my preferred developers ?
  4. Anyone has a $25 question PA voucher he’s not using? PM me
  5. Got Thorn but no code. Anyone got the $19 code and not using it? edit: got one myself, all is well
  6. Got the bundle but not using Presswerk and Satin. Available for €75/$85 each, PM me.
  7. Great! Love anything from FrozenPlain, ImpactSoundworks, Realitone and SoundIron.
  8. True. Even contemplating buying another set, ‘cause I’ve already got them.
  9. Been looking for that Epica Bass, as I love the original Epic. And I really dig those Environments.
  10. Only Presswerk and Satin left at $85 each.
  11. If anyone’s interested, I’m selling my u-he effects (Twangström, Satin, Presswerk & Colour Copy) at up to 40% off. Send me a PM.
  12. If anyone has an extra Diva because of this bundle, I’ll take it
  13. Great to see ya here, John. Even though this place isn’t as sweet as Cake was, but who knows, time will tell.
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