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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. You’re right to do so, as iZotope is infamous for their upgrade and crossgrade pricing tactics! Also, I’m pretty sure Ozone 9 is around the corner, so I guess this is the last time we can get the MPS crossgrade at its lowest price. Next time will be in two years or so.
  2. JRRshop sell the MPS 2.1 crossgrade for $125 from ANY advanced product. Well, I had Ozone 6 Advanced and Nectar 2 Production Suite in my account. Worked fine.
  3. Still pondering. The bundle upgrade came down to $99 @iZotope last time, even to $64 at resellers. Knowing iZotope they stop at nothing in the wake of upcoming new versions. So maybe. Maybe.
  4. Sweeheeheeheeheet! Edith: damn, no SampleTank products, only T-RackS and Amplitube it seems. Edith two: got most of T-RackS and not needing more Ampli.
  5. OTS beats ‘em all, but that ImpactSoundworks one isn’t bad either.
  6. Tell us how you did this? Cheers!
  7. Fleer

    Riff Plugin App

    Sweet memories.
  8. Indeed. I got Iris 2 for $50 and thought that was a no brainer.
  9. True, that -just updated- Pettinhouse bundle represents the very definition of a no-brainer.
  10. ... which means that new Tina Guo Vol. 2 will come down to a sweet sale price https://cinesamples.com/category/strings
  11. Thanks, ZincT! Worked perfectly, got my Sandman Pro upgrade for $4 thanks to you. Love this forum and its inhabitants.
  12. Anyone not using his or her $29 voucher? Could turn my Sandman into a Pro! ?
  13. Well, it’s quite something indeed. Special download system too, uses the Pulse downloader. Must be one of the best systems around, as it easily allows you to re-download and install whenever needed, after registering the serials they send you. Found a good vid here:
  14. Okay, been looking a bit deeper into this, as it’s made by LA-based developer Jonathan Kranz together with the infamous Mario “EvilDragon”. Now I know why it’s so good ?
  15. Same here, King L. And still hesitating. Maybe something from the Soundiron sale?
  16. One of the Greg Wells plug-ins, like Pianocentric? Oops, that one’s $39. Maybe the Grand Rhapsody or Electric 200?
  17. Is this already up @EveryPlugin?
  18. Biggest mistake Sweetwater ever could have made. They should have offered our King lifetime access to everything. Sweetwater would have been as large as the entire state by now.
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