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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. The king got ya covered:
  2. Same here. Larry giving us lazy ones a second chance.
  3. Free split screen vids! Here: https://cdm.link/2020/04/free-split-screen-music-videos-roland/
  4. Same here. And I still like some of them a lot.
  5. Thanks for chiming in. Had a look at your website: https://mimicaudio.com Pretty, pretty interesting.
  6. Yep, interesting approach. Heck, I’m an Omnisphere *****. And a verb *****. And a piano *****. And a strings *****. And a ...
  7. Just to be clear, it’s indeed the greatest verb (and synth) I know, but it eats cpu, although there’s a “lite cpu” version included. Now, go!
  8. Lowest ever. Go! No, run!
  9. Why don’t I get a limit? I want a limit. Give me a limit or I’ll post about limits. Limit me!
  10. I do like Collective a lot as a sidekick of Waveform.
  11. There will be blood too.
  12. Well, I caved, due to this post at VI Control by a man (CGR) who sure knows his pianos: “I have the Cinesamples Abbey Roads pianos. I first experienced playing the Abbey Roads Challen upright on a recording session. The producer had tried a few different sampled pianos and we all decided this had the best tone for the track. I didn't have any problems putting down my part with it using my Yamaha CP4 stage piano, although we had to do some MIDI timing correction, due to the slight latency and variation - not a big deal though. I ended up buying it on sale last year, and am happy I did. They sound very authentic and raw, and the different mic positions give a big variation in ambience and image so I most times don't need to reach for extra reverb to give them depth. They do play like old pianos and in my opinion that's OK. If you can adapt your playing to them (just like with a real acoustic piano) and play to their strengths the results and authenticity of tone & character can be hard to match with any other sample piano I have.” Edith: and they sound pretty, pretty good
  13. But I’m still on the fence. Maybe yes. Maybe no. Dang.
  14. I seem to remember one transfer fee covers all licenses transferred at the same time.
  15. That’s the one for the downloads indeed.
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