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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Strum is the only AAS instrument that’s not on version 3 yet, so I would wait.
  2. I’ll get Modern U when it’s $49. Meanwhile, still quite enjoying Ravenscroft.
  3. Anyone who’s on the fence, these are the best plugins by a mile. Get the Creative Bundle. And the Essentials Bundle. At least.
  4. Exquisite instruments, exquisite support.
  5. Not this time. Those came with the update.
  6. I like the Bass and Bell sound best. They fit the Lizard’s sonic signature well.
  7. My way to get to this is by pushing presets. Another 150 just been added.
  8. That’s a pretty pretty good deal.
  9. I waited until 3 and got it for $49 with four sound banks. Sweet deal.
  10. And, at last, Analog Orchestra. It’s a good one indeed, reminiscent of Indiginus.
  11. Pretty good indeed. Still waiting for the upgrade they’re working on though.
  12. Love that city. Nice buzz.
  13. Soundbanks launched in 2022: - Analog Orchestra (VA-3) launched 8/12/21 - Latin Vibes 2 (Strum GS-2) launched 26/10/21 - Humanized (Chromaphone 3) launched 14/9/21 - All That Jazz (Strum GS-2) launched 20/7/21 - Insomnia (Lounge Lizard 4) launched 8/6/21 - Transmutation (Chromaphone 3) launched 9/2/21
  14. Interesting it is. Reminds me of the original Indiginus orchestra. Too bad I couldn’t select this baby as my Xmas prezzie.
  15. Yep. Always free. Even from Pigments 1 or 2. Special offer on those sound banks though.
  16. Got Humanized thanks to Doug (but I’m still a beast, says Edith)
  17. ‘Cause you got that email first, while we commoners will have to wait a while. Humanized, come to mama.
  18. Love these guys. They keep on launching pretty unique high quality sample libs at low prices.
  19. … while awaiting the M1Max 16” laptop with 64 gigs of ram and a 4TB ssd. Not paying for that myself, no siree bob.
  20. Yeah, will push it into the M1 iMac this weekend.
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