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  1. Haven't had time to list all the modules but they are locked except for the ones that come as standard. You can filter presets by Owned Modules - mine is completely greyed out. If I'm going to have to repurchase the modules, I'm not going to bother even looking at it any further.
  2. New layout for starters. I hoped all the modules I purchased for T-Racks 5 would be there but disappointed with that one. Won't be repurchasing.
  3. Just downloaded the new T-Racks 6 via the product manager.
  4. What I really don’t want is to pay $14.95 a month or $149.95 per annum for Sonar along with Next, Fan Reach, Distribution, Profile Boost and all the other add-ons. I just want Sonar on it’s own - pure and simple. Yes, I did purchase the Lifetime Updates but prior to that I was buying SPLAT at each version release and was perfectly happy. So - please don’t just bundle everything together and expect me to jump for joy with that scenario whilst wondering what happens with the free version if I decide not to go for the Full Monty.
  5. I see from the website that Sonar is still available exclusively via the Backstage Pass. Having been a user since the mid 90’s and witnessing the Gibson lifetime debacle (yes, I was caught out), I thought they would have learned by now. Yes it’s been great having free usage since BandLab took over but I have no use for anything other than Sonar. If the way forward is via the “all or nothing” route then I will have to rethink how I operate with my DAW software. As I use my DAW exclusively for backing tracks and soundscapes, I don’t need any of the other stuff offered with the BandLab Membership subscription. I’m also worried that part way through any project (I’ve just started a batch of 30 songs), they could pull the plug on the free version. I know everyone says that they wouldn’t do that in the short term but it happened before with my lifetime Sonar purchase and I vowed not to let that happen again. Never having used anything other than Cakewalk over the past 30 years I know it would be a wrench and a huge learning curve but maybe I should start looking elsewhere now to prepare for what might be coming.
  6. I thought it was all ready to go - especially with the backstage nonsense up and running. Still - only a year since the announcement of great things. Maybe we will see it in time for Christmas!
  7. Thanks John - that worked for me!
  8. That's going to be a real time waster for me. I use midi files all the time and having to insert TTS-1 and then send each channel individually to it is pretty hopeless. I know once it's saved as a Cakewalk file then it's fine but really this is a retrograde step.
  9. When opening a midi file TTS-1 used to load with all the channels correctly inserted. Now when opening midi, I have to insert TTS-1 then connect channels individually. Is there a setting somewhere that’s changed or is it because TTS-1 is no longer included?
  10. Are you looking for great new sounds? For a week only, we are offering our Technocracy sound pack for the super sweet price of $9! https://www.applied-acoustics.com/technocracy/
  11. I’ve been a user (and serial upgrader) of Cakewalk since the Windows 3.0 version and would ask one thing - please don’t lose the backwards compatibility. Last week I resurrected a project from February 1999 when I saved everything as .bun files. Lo and behold, the latest version unpacked everything successfully and I could continue from where I had left off all those years ago. My workflow may have changed and there might now many more “toys” to play with but it worked. Impressive!
  12. I’ve been a user (and version upgrader) of Cakewalk since the Windows 3.0 version and would ask one thing - please don’t lose the backwards compatibility. Last week I resurrected a project from February 1999 when I saved everything as .bun files. Lo and behold, the latest version unpacked everything successfully and I could continue from where I had left off all those years ago. My workflow might have changed and there are now many more “toys” to play with but it worked. Impressive!
  13. Given what “Waves” went through, you’d like to think that the BandLab team know what they’re doing.
  14. As someone who had a Lifetime Platinum subscription and all the instruments Cakewalk had to offer, I’m pleased to see new life being breathed by the bakers. Hopefully this won’t be another “Waves” fiasco and that the bean counters have got their sums right.
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