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Andy P

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  1. Ok - typically I've figured it out after creating this - apologies. If anyone is having the same problem - you need to export the project as a template, not save it as a template. Then your template is visible when you want to insert it into the new project!
  2. Hi all Looking for some pointers please. I want to copy some audio and midi tracks and settings from one song to another version of the song in a different project. I'm aware of what I'm supposed to do, which is to save selected tracks as a template, then insert them into the new track, and the finally use copy and paste special to move the data. I've done this once before, a few months ago, and it worked perfectly. The problem I'm having now is - I open the old source project, select the tracks I want, save as a template. I do it like this File>Save As> Save as template. I then go to the destination project and try: Insert>Track Template When I do this, the template file I just created and saved is not visible to Cakewalk. It doesn't matter if I save my template somewhere suggested by Cakewalk, or in a destination of my choosing - it's still not visible. If I go back an re-save it, I'm told the template file already exists, and do I still want to replace it - even though I can't see the template in question. I'm sure I'm making some sort of simple mistake here, but I just can't figure it out. As mentioned, I've done this once before and it worked perfectly. This is driving me mad, so thanks in advance for any help you can provide. Andy
  3. Thanks for getting back to me David. It's all the soft synths. After I posted here I found a Native Instruments forum, and it seems a lot of people are having midi in issues with the MK 2 interface. Appears that unlike the original interface, the MK2 version of the interface doesn't work well with non-Native Instrument brand midi-keyboards. The people who had already posted on the Native Instruments forum were complaining they get no sound at all from their midi in, so although I can get one note out of it, it's probably part of the same problem.
  4. Hi Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction with a problem I'm having. I've used Sonar X3 Producer with Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 for a few years quite happily, and often connect my Yamaha midi keyboard to my Komplete Audio 6 interface, in order to play virtual instruments live through Sonar. It still works fine now. Recently I treated myself to the new Komplete Audio 6 Mk 2. Initially I had some audio signal latency problems, which I managed to fix. However I'm still having problems with playing virtual instruments through my Yamaha keyboard. Although I've made sure the latest driver and firmware update is installed, I can now only play one note at a time when using the Mk 2, and either Sonar or the interface also thinks the note is playing forever. I can see that from the virtual representation of the on -screen keyboard that the key is still being held down, when it isn't. If I press the key on the virtual keyboard curing my cursor, it works fine, but not if I generate the signal from my external Yamaha keyboard - which is no good for playing in live time. I'm sure there must be an easy way round this. I've rarely bought anything that didn't have to be tweaked or reconfigured before it worked perfectly, so where there's a will, there's usually a way - this one has me stumped. I've tried changing midi cables and re-installing the driver but no luck. Does anyone have any ideas please? Thanks in advance. Andy
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