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Everything posted by kazzamy

  1. Hi, have you ever experienced extremely loud audio pops? I wasn't playing anything but just editing audio and all of a sudden, extremely loud pops. They just happened randomly, I had to cover my ears because though the mixer was at very reasonable audio levels, the pop was at full volume. It lasted instantly (think of dropping a very large object on the floor) but the Cakewalk main mixer which controls the output volume was peaked at red though I heard no audio after that pop. I pressed play and there was no audio though mixer was still at max volume. The pop returned and the mixer went down from max volume. Any ideas what is the problem? It doesn't happen often but really hurts my ears and might damage my gear. My gear: * Windows 10 * Cakewalk 2021.9 * Brand new very high end computer with all SSD drives, 128 gigs Ram, latest version of Windows, etc. * RME Fireface UCX with latest drivers * ATC speakers
  2. Hi guys, thanks for your help. I did figure out how to do the surround. I have a surround card but not a surround speaker set up nor interface but was working on a project wanting me to deliver in surround mix. I routed my stereo tracks to a surround bus though I wasn't able to hear the proper sounds because then everything phased poorly since it was routed to two speakers. What I did do is export as 5.1 and then listen to the tracks one by one to see they looked correct as mono tracks though I couldn't hear them correctly as surround. I don't know if it makes sense for me to purchase a surround set up, I just don't have the money, space, or demand for this it just doesn't happen that often. I guess what would be great is if I had access to a buddy with 5.1 where I could go test it out with their set up but for now, I think my approach worked for my immediate deadline at least. Thank you!
  3. Yes, I had the same problem with fast bounce and freezing. ? One issue is I have a movie file loaded in to the project that is 7 gigs. I might try removing it just to see if that is the problem but would think I should be ok since RAM is usage is low.
  4. Thank you for your help. May good karma come your way. The audio I attached was the excerpt where I had the problem. I played it back just fine but when exporting audio heard the chop off in the file and am struggling because I've been begging for extensions so no time to upgrade or switch. I freaking hate Play but it just so happens to have that one damn sample better than any other I have for the project I need to use now. All other samples work fine. Just EW Play has problems. I have a sample only drive and it auto degrags but I can have it do that again. I thought it wasn't that big a deal because CPU and ram was low, no? In File bit depths: Record bit depth: 16 Render bit depth: 32 Import bit depth: original
  5. Hi folks, The music to the project I am currently working on is in stereo but the sound editor wants me to deliver surround stems. Also my sample libraries are stereo and I only have a stereo speaker set but it is still possible to deliver surround stems from Sonar through busing and effects, right? I haven't done before so am looking up tutorials and documentation but I assume just like how now I can export my audio as stereo mix down, I can take this same project with a surround bus and export it to a surround mixdown through busing? Any general tips or pointers? Thank you!
  6. Hi, I am brand new here and am not very good with computers, not even sure what you mean about the version of windows you have because mine says something like 10.0.17763 Build 17763 so not sure how to read your version, but the only thing I wanted to comment on, Windows is pretty good about doing an auto restore before updating so maybe you should restore to the previous version for now? Sorry that I am not more helpful!
  7. Any ideas what to do if audio samples play back fine but don't bounce to audio or freeze to audio with the sound immediately dropping out after notes start? Listen to the example attached. It plays back fine, no drops. I can't freeze it or save as audio without this glitch. All other tracks are fine. This is EW Play and I have the latest version of it (which hasn't been updated in years but this isn't the right time in the project for me to switch the library I'm using). I'm on Sonar X3 64 bit and plenty of RAM (computer memory is at 41% of use with 96 gigs total). audioexample.mp3
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