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Everything posted by GBTBassist
How to freeze/bounce individual tracks in a soft synth
GBTBassist replied to GBTBassist's topic in Instruments & Effects
that's tomorrows job sorted then 😉 Thanks peeps👍 -
How to freeze/bounce individual tracks in a soft synth
GBTBassist replied to GBTBassist's topic in Instruments & Effects
Thanks @OutrageProductions, do you know, I never even considered using multiple Kontakts given there were so many posts about using just the single Kontakt with multi's to save resources. I never went back to review if this was still the case. My PC has a reasonable amount of grunt (although not compared to your beast) so I guess its a trade off between usability and RAM use. I'll give that a shot if no-one has any better suggestions. -
Hi fellow users I've searched quite a lot in the forums but can't find an answer to this specific challenge. I have a Kontakt instance with around 12 different synths loaded into separate midi channels and separate output channels - guitars, individual orchestra instruments, basses, acoustic gtrs etc. The small issue I am facing is that when I have completed the edits on say a guitar and I want to freeze it before moving on to another instrument, all instruments get frozen at the same time. Similarly when I'm running Addictive Drums 2 or any other drum sampler and want to freeze just the kick, everything else is frozen too. Not sure if this is a different challenge to the Kontakt multi's but wanted to include it just in case this is also something that has a smart solution. Is there a smart way to prevent every instrument in Kontakt / drum sampler freezing when I only want a single track to be frozen (short of freezing all, duplicate the frozen track I have finished with, unfreeze all, archive the finished midi track - rinse and repeat)? With so many soft synths loaded my PC sometimes gets a bit winded trying to keep up with all the processing so I habitually freeze tracks as I finalise them (audio and other midis loaded directly outside Kontakt). Hopefully I've explained clearly enough but I'm sure you'll soon let me know if its possible or not🤞 Cheers GBT
Thanks John, Yes and no (system memory sits around 26% and CPU around 24%) but I've had recurring issues with glitches as I run mainly VST instruments in my songs (so they need freezing). I run an AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor, 4050 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical Processor(s), 32gig DDR4, windows 10 latest patches, Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 4g and even at maximum buffer of 1024 I still get glitches, very few crashes or audio dropouts (as I used to previously on my Intel system) but without freezing the tracks its a bit hit and miss on the audio glitching out. Current song has 62 tracks of which 4 are real guitars the rest are VST including the vocals (SynthV). I really don't know how Id cope if i had the 100+ tracks I see in some forums
Hi folks I think I kind of know the answer to this one but I'm looking for advice on any alternatives. I've a single instance of Kontakt 6 with eight instrument synths loaded (4 different guitars synths, 4 orchestra instruments) and I suspect Cbb sees these as a single synth even though there are 8 separate outputs track pairs (8 midi and 8 related audio) for the loaded synths. I am trying to freeze each track as I work through the mix but as soon as I select any midi track and 'freeze synth' (the only freeze option I can see when I hover over the snowflake) all 8 tracks are frozen and the individual midi tracks hidden (midi hiding is as expected). Is there some setting I am missing in Cbb or Kontakt that would allow me to freeze a track at a time rather than all at once? Thanks GBT
Hi Jenna I recently had this crop up on one of my sessions. Turns out I had somehow added the metronome output to one of my audio tracks (reverb send) so even though I disabled the metronome track and turned off the 'metronome during playback/record' I was still hearing it faintly in the distance (because of the reverb effect!). Took me forever to isolate it. It may be that you have added the output to some other track by mistake so try muting each track and bus until it stops to isolate the source and go from there. GBT
Hi @jono grant Bit late to this as I just had the same issue pop up as my PC got slower and more and more dropouts. Purely by chance I read another unrelated post that mentioned what CPU hogs the Izotope products are. I had 2 effects loaded (Insight and Tonal balance) and CPU was high (25%+) and the power usage was strong red - Very High with my GPU running at 47%. I had already frozen all of my (mainly) Midi tracks to unload the real time effects etc. I closed both apps (they were running in the background as I continued finessing the song). CPU now hovering around 6%, GPU between 9% and 15% and power Low to very low. This also dropped my GPU core temperature by around 2 degrees. May be worth adding this to any other checks you are doing (if you haven't solved it by now anyway). If you have solved it, it'd be good to post your solution? GBT
tempo map how to change tempo without messing up recorded audio
GBTBassist replied to GBTBassist's question in Q&A
Hi @tulamide @John Vere @reginaldStjohn Just got back to look at this and, after groove looping all the analogue audio while in the original tempo, I can now adjust the song tempo??. As you said, this will only work so far as the artifacts within the audio tracks can clip/distort/glitch if you move the timebase of the song (resample) too far from the original tempo. You are all lifesavers as I didn't want to rerecord the 20 or so different analogue audio tracks just to uptempo them. Thanks for your time and input?? GBT -
Hi fellow CbB users. I've run into an issue where I have finished recording all the analogue instruments and now decided to speed up certain sections. When I do this the analogue audio starts to glitch all over the place. I want to be able to speed up in places and slow down in others (as if it were a live recording). I've read about tempo maps but cant find anything within the documentation that describes how to do this for analogue AND synth/midi based instruments. I can, for example use the tempo map to increase the tempo of the EZ Drummer track but the audio might or might not follow suit but always glitches (to the point that all controls become unresponsive and I have to force quit through Task Manager - Windows 10 fully patched, cakewalk fully patched). Anyone out there that can lead me by the nose on how to do it or confirm that its not possible to use a tempo map on the fly like this? Many thanks GBT
@Codefreq - I have a similar issue ie how to access my main DAW remotely from say a lightweight laptop while working away from home. I've tried the built in windows RDP (which kind of works but the audio is pretty choppy and can be a bit laggy even if on the same LAN). One factor that helped improve, but not resolve the choppiness, is to use gpedit to set the following (thanks to J D Hodge for this): #1 on the server (the machine you are connecting to) Using the Group Policy editor, Go to Computer Configuration:Administrative Templates:Windows Components: Remote Desktop Session Host:Device and Resource Redirection. Set “Limit audio playback quality.” to “Enabled,” and set “Audio Quality” option “to High”. #2 on the client (the machine you are connecting FROM) save and edit the RDP file for the connection and add set audioqualitymode:i:2 to the file (you can use Notepad or a similar text editor to do this). Its saved in your local documents folder as default.rdp. Hopefully this gives you enough to carry on some kind of remote composing?. If you do find any alternative then please let me know. GBT @John Vere - not a really helpful reply. As you might know the only way this would work is if the external drive folders were an exact replica of the PC folder structure but remembering that any saves onto the mobile laptop would not be replicated on the main PC as CWP files use local relative folder reference so would look for files on the laptop not the PC (I found this out after spending an age installing all my VSTs & plugins onto a laptop only to find out that the changes I made to my songs were not replicated to the main PC even though I saved the CWP file to dropbox . If you do have a solution then please share (for either option ?)
Hi scook I have solved this problem! It seems that the prochannel presets rely on the onboard PC soundcard being enabled. I have a Focusrite saffire pro driven off a dedicated firewire card that serves all of my PC related sounds. While cleaning up my PC I disabled the onboard HD soundcard as I never use it. Apparantly, prochannel does for some weird and wonderful reason - go figure! Thanks for the suggestions though. GBT
Nope, folder is as per install - uncompressed. Ownership and access rights are also the same as the other folders in 'cakewalk content'. Any idea if there are previous versions that I could download to downgrade the version and see if that resolves? Cheers GBT
Thanks Scook I realised I posted the wrong screenshot. The presets are actually where they are supposed to be according to the registry (as per the path you listed). The folder has unrestricted access (set by the original install) so it is visible to all users/apps. I can see the preset the track is using (guitar - electric dirtbag.pcp) but no matter what I do in cakewalk I cant select any preset through the pro-channel strip. GBT
Hi All Suddenly (possibly after installing the latest patch (version 2020.01 build 28 64bit)), I cannot access my prochannel presets - neither the included ones or ones I have created/saved in the past. I can hover the mouse over the name of the preset in the console view but I cannot click through to select one. It affects brand new songs as well as songs that have already been mastered months ago - I can see the preset that has been used but cannot open the folder to change it or add one to a new track. Anyone come across this and know how to get it working again? I have rebooted the pc, tried 'E' to close and open all effect buckets just in case but nothing brings them back on line. Thanks GBT
editing midi lyric track without messing up lyrics
GBTBassist replied to GBTBassist's question in Q&A
great tip @Promidi - have now set up multiple presets to use for velocities over 110 (to introduce headroom), events excluding lyrics and other common repeated edit selections. What a timesaver.? Thanks for sharing. -
editing midi lyric track without messing up lyrics
GBTBassist replied to GBTBassist's question in Q&A
Thanks Promidi - I had forgotten that feature was there. Its a bit long winded when I just want to copy a few midi notes here and there but at least it works. -
Hi Hope this is the right forum.... I use a basic midi piano to write the melody for my songs. Usual approach I use is one syllable per midi note then I give it to a real singer who turns it into a human articulated melody. The problem I have is that each time I edit midi notes, e.g. to copy a melody to another point in the song, I can't prevent Cakewalk copying the lyrics too. Similarly when deleting midi notes I find the associated word has also been deleted. This is not what I want to happen and very quickly turns my lyrics into meaningless characters. Is there a way to edit midi notes, cut/copy/paste, without affecting the associated lyrics? many thanks GBT
Hi Mark Thanks, I tried that - no change. The only way I can stop the distortion is to remove the plugin and as it is my final stage mastering plugin (Ozone) that is now causing the distortion/pops/clicks I cant just remove it :) All other plugins seem to be working fine so not sure why it is only Ozone that is problematic now. Are there other channels to get previous cakewalk builds so I can roll back from yesterdays update? I will then follow your great idea to copy the installer to a different location to avoid the problem in future. Cheers GBT
Hi Mark Apologies if this is not the correct/appropriate channel, but I just allowed the Bandlab update and now a number of my mastering plugins are generating distortion/pops/clicks. All was fine prior to the update but like many others I didnt realise there was no 'uninstall update' option to revert back to a previous version. It seems like you have previous installer versions - could I beg one off you too? Regards GBT