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Everything posted by ZipCode

  1. I have 128, 256 and 512. You just add a file to the correct location and bobs your uncle, can't recall the specifics now, but it was easy as
  2. I had no issues with lagging with 4.5.2. You can always install any update to a new folder leaving your 4.5.1 alone and as is while checking out the new update.
  3. New features and improvements: ● Support for Native Instruments’ Komplete Kontrol MkII series keyboards ( Integration sheet is in your account under Downloads -> Misc ) ● [macOS] Support for Apple Notarization service ● "Remove Plug-in Settings" function for Plug-in Manager ● Volume automation curve now compensates logarithmic fader curve ● "Select Notes" command is now applicable to muted notes ● Channel polarity switch is now excluded from grouping ● Added commands for "vertical zoom in/out fine" ● Dragging multiple Patterns to the browser is now supported ● Improved sidechain handling for VST2 Plug-ins ● Improved Chinese localization The following issues have been fixed: ● [Mixer] Sends are hidden under certain conditions ● [Mixer] Side-chaining with Mix FX included will mute under certain conditions ● [Mixer] Lag on VCA fader adjustment ● [Scratch Pad] Wrong instrument part length when using step record ● [Scratch Pad] Lost focus when using “locate cursor” function ● [Scratch Pad] Loop range lost when dragged across arrangement border ● [Pattern Editor] Variation name cannot be edited from pattern editor toolbar ● [Audio Batch Converter] Crash on repairing sample rate with certain mp3 files ● Multi Instrument transform restore omits channel inserts ● Qwerty Keyboard device has wrong mapping in Swiss and Canadian French layout ● No input metering during record w/ tape style and disabled monitoring ● Crash on invoking "Insert Rest" command when not in Step Record mode ● When "snap" is disabled, "play selected range" won't stop when playing small audio segments ● Using Shift+S as keyboard shortcut for "Solo" triggers "Solo Safe" instead ● Random freezes on previewing MIDI files from the browser ● Softube Console 1 AU not properly unloaded on removal ● Altered metronome accent volume resets to default on relaunch ● Decimals missing in Export dialogs ● Instrument preset list and browser out of sync ● Chord track offset when chord doesn't start at event start ● Certain MP3 files won't import ● First notes missing on bounce in certain cases ● Short notes being dropped with large block sizes
  4. Yes, nothing has managed to topple BFD3 in my eyes/ears, I have decided not to bother with MODO DRUM at this stage, MODO BASS is great though, after weighing up opinions expressed by users on various forums, and well not exactly being blown away by the sound that I have heard from vids etc, the general lack of buzz from punters surrounding the product, If I was to purchase it, it likely would just be to satiate my GAS, and it would likely never get used (I'm really trying to stop that practice after purchasing Superior 3 on release and never using it) @Ryan, thank you, yes I have seen those vids, unfortunately I wasn't convinced, I may have a peak when there is a demo, but I am pretty sure I'll be leaving this one on the shelf. I had high hopes when IK let out the word after how good MODO BASS is, it instantly replaced Trilian as my goto for that use case, although playing a real bass still gets the final position. Maybe later on in development, who knows.
  5. Yes, but if you keep up to date with various updates it wont bother you, if you don't update, and/or keep your DAW machine offline, your version will eventually, around the 6 month period drop into demo mode until you remedy the situation.
  6. Anyone? Last weekend for intro price, and with no demo available (unless I missed it) where I am at now is I'll probably pass, listening to the various sound demos around the place, and trying to take into account any negative aspect of playing the sounds back from a net video 'n all, my opinion is that in the most important part for me, the sound, BFD3 has got it nailed. Really interested to hear from anyone who has it that also has BFD3 and/or SD3, how they would compare, sound mainly, not really interested in comparisons with stuff like AD2 or Ez Drummer 2, I have those also, and well they aren't really in the same league as BFD3 or SD3. As it stands I personally prefer BFD3, SD3 has a nice interface and some nice features, but any of those features that aren't already available in BFD3 don't really interest me, Tap to Find, Replacement etc. I think BFD3 just sounds better, and never use SD3. Also not really concerned about the problems that have been associated with CbB as it's not my DAW of choice. There doesn't really seem to be a great buzz going on around MODO DRUM at the usual haunts, that in itself may be telling, wasn't quiet like that for the BFD3 or SD3 launch. Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?
  7. Yes it is IMO. You mention you have BAmp Elite, so I assume it is BA2 as the original never had an 'Elite' tier, so youi'll be able to have all your BA2 amps in BFX2 with fx available etc. Sound is better than FX1, although I still use FX1 as well for certain things, as well as Amp (1), there is just something with some amps that is lost with the transfer to Amp2, not that it's worse, more of a 'different' thing. But all said and done the sound quality and some other aspects are just straight out better in Amp2 or FX2. [Edit} Plus you get all the fixes of course, the preset management is better, but compared to other products, and IMO, is still woefully subpar, but it is better and it is what it is. Performance/Loading times are better (especially with latest update) New, updated DSP engine is an improvement, stuff like pitch shifting/octaving works better, it was pretty sad in BFX1, still has a lot of room for improvement compared to some others, but much more usable now. The new harmonizer can be quite usable. Re-sizeable GUI, well 3 choices, Standard 125% and 175% I think it is. There are still a lot of stuff missing that should be there, in all PG products, value readouts, being able to tell what value a dial or knob is at, being able to revert a setting to default by ex double click, etc, there are many more 'little' things that all PG products still lack which are standard in other packages, and these things would make life much better. It is what it is, I like the sound I can get from PG products more than any other (I Own most available) but it could be soooo much better in terms of usability, but . . . Personally I have no regrets with the upgrade, I feel it was well worth it to stay current
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