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Everything posted by trager

  1. Everyone’s gone here. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deal,_Kent Come on down. The weather’s fine.
  2. I don’t know if this is relevant but at some point maybe a year ago the iZotope website started using a login page that is actually located at native-instruments.com, causing a problem for anyone with a password manager or just with saved passwords in their browser, unless you use the same password for both accounts. When I log in to iZotope now I always have to manually replace the password that my browser has filled in.
  3. https://www.softube.com/products/model-77-dual-layer-synth Oooooooooh.
  4. Yes, I think the Pro crossgrade has been $139 on sale.
  5. As far as I know, the Dorico crossgrade goes cheaper than this on sale anyway. I'd say the offer should be better under the circumstances.
  6. It will probably be Black/Cyber now based on previous years.
  7. I have an unregistered serial for EZmix 2 that will trigger this offer, and there’s four days left. I don’t want to waste anyone’s time but if you have something good you’d like to trade for it, feel free to send a PM and maybe we can work something out. Apologies in advance as I already have too many plugins and I expect I would decline most suggestions.
  8. https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/audio-plugins/uvi-tape-suite Interesting. Not seeing this at UVI yet.
  9. Anyone care to recommend a free pack selection?
  10. Without a deal I’m not even getting out of bed let alone celebrating.
  11. https://www.synapse-audio.com/thelegendhz.html $179 $79 upgrade from The Legend
  12. With any luck they’ll quickly move on to celebrating other planets.
  13. Thought that said Larry Ironheart. I check this forum too often.
  14. Man I can't believe it. 10 year was 40% and 15 year was 40%. I was secretly hoping we'd hit the halfway mark.
  15. trager


    Put Lars in charge.
  16. Have a good trip big man.
  17. That’s what I call an egg.
  18. Surprised “suck my” got through the filters.
  19. I believe it's just about what you have in your account. If you still have a version of K Standard you remain eligible to update along the Standard path. If you still have a version of K Ultimate you remain eligible to update along the Ultimate path. So you're not dropping down to K Standard 14 - you're just updating your K Standard 10 to K Standard 14. Likewise in the future you wouldn't have to climb back up - you would just be updating your K Ultimate 13 to K Ultimate 15.
  20. $276 full version at Best Service. https://www.bestservice.com/en/superior_drummer_3.html $220 for crossgrade. https://www.bestservice.com/en/superior_drummer_3_crossgrade.html $269 full version at Thomann. https://www.thomannmusic.com/toontrack_superior_drummer_3.htm Also at TT. https://www.toontrack.com/product/superior-drummer-3/
  21. At the tail end of 2022 Best Service had it priced at $83.15 at the same time as they had one of those $20 off of $100 codes... My head should probably be filled with other things.
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