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Mario Branchi

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Everything posted by Mario Branchi

  1. Works fine for me too. Never had problems with fabfilter plugins
  2. 640 fries ought to be enough for anybody
  3. Fortunately, it can be left justified, there's an option in settings. With the centered layout, the start menu icon moves back and forth, which is really annoying, besides being against Fitts law
  4. Still working here, both kontakt 5 and 6
  5. I'm trying to update CbB from version 2020.11 to 2021.01 update 1. Im' not using BA that I uninstalled a couple of months ago and I'm doing the update inside CbB, which asks me to confirm the download of the installation program. I confirm the popup and the following message appear,s telling me that the download is complete, but if I click "Install Now" nothing happens. If I open the download folder, It's empty I successfully updated Cakewalk on another machine
  6. I agree with you on both points. I can't understand, for example, why the smart tool works differently in the PRV and the Staff View. To delete a note in the PRV you have to right-click on it, while right-clicking in Staff View brings up the Note Properties window. To show the Note Properties Window in PRV, you have to double click on a note, which does nothing in Staff View. In 2020.07, despite the advancements in Staff View, to create a note in PRV you have to double click or click-drag with the left mouse button, while in Staff View you just have to single click, which, by the way, doesn't clear the selection as it does in PRV. Right-clicking should be reserved to the context menu, since it's standard Windows behaviour and lasso-selecting should be done with a left-click. In my opinion, a good choice for both editors could be: left double click: create note/delete note left click on a note: select the note left click on empty space: clear selection left click and drag: lasso select right click: show the context menu The Note Properties window could be an entry "Properties" in the context menu or bound to something like shift-double-click It's debatable and maybe there are better choices than my suggestions, but I think that the mouse actions should be rethought to be more standardized and consistent between the two views.
  7. The selected note is a D# which is included in the key signature, so it's normal there is no accidental. Am I missing something?
  8. It will be fixed in the next release. See the following thread:
  9. I too had to switch some months ago to the onboard Intel GPU because some plugins crash using the Nvidia driver (it happens in every daw, not only CbB). Cakewalk still works perfectly and I never noticed any difference between the onboard intel adapter and the more powerful GTX950M I think a GTX 1050 is more than adequate for CbB. The only problem could be the bug I mentioned above in the Nvidia game driver. It's a known bug but not solved yet. However it doesn't affect every system.
  10. I can confirm that the status of "Show Aim Assist Time" seems to be randomly set at startup. Workspace set to None
  11. It happens the same to me. The status of the "aim assist time" seems to be randomly set on startup, but it happened also in the previous releases, not only in 2020.04
  12. It was the first thing I tried, but it didn't work. I probably pasted a wrong url because I've tried again and now it works thx
  13. I saw some posts in this forum in which another topic is embedded in the post body with a preview. I tried to do the same, but couldn't find the function in the online editor and could only insert a hyperlink. How do you embed topics?
  14. It's a long standing issue. I, too, find it very annoying. I reported it on this forum in January, but had no answers from the bakers: I think it was first reported on the old forum in this thread: http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3623086 It never worked for me, but it seems it worked for you, so it's probably a regression introduced some time ago. Unfortunately I think fixing it is not considered high priority since the issue is still present after years it was fist reported ?
  15. I think I can reproduce it: on my machine it happens whenever I create a new instrument track by dragging a synth from the instruments browser to the tracks pane. After closing the "Insert Soft Synth Options" window, the aim assist line gets stuck against the left border and I cannot move it anymore.
  16. In staff view, some entries in the right click menu are not accessible because when you right click on empty space, selection is reset and right clicking on a note shows the properties window. I think the properties window should be displayed when double clicking on a note like in PRV and right clicking should be reserved to the context menu. Another improvement would be not resetting the selection when right clicking on empty space.
  17. Save clip's AudioSnap tempo map in project Aim assist line not stuck against left border Snap working in staff view Selection editing in staff view like in PRV and track view, with the new green line that lets you shrink, expand and move the selection Right clicking on a note in staff view shows the context menu
  18. No reactions on this topic by anyone. I guess few people use this feature, so maybe fixing it isn't a priority. It's a pity because it's rather powerful, but at the moment it's incomplete since you have to do all the editing in one session. Ableton Live and Logic have similar features, but the tempo map gets saved in the project, so you've got all your editing when you reopen it. It should be the case in Cakewalk too. Anyone using tempo mapping with AudioSnap? Any suggestions or workarounds?
  19. I have the same annoying issue with the aim assist cursor jammed up against the left side. Restarting CbB solves the problem, but it happens every time I use CbB, I can't understand what triggers the bug
  20. If you enable audiosnap and edit a clip's tempo map to sync transients with musical beats, the editing is not saved with the project and when you reopen it, all the work done is lost. I found this thread in the old forum, where it can be deduced that the bug was reported in 2017, but has not been fixed yet: http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3623086 English is not my mother language, so I find it difficult to explain the bug in detail, please read the above thread for a better explanation of the problem. To the bakers: is there any chance the bug will be fixed in one of the upcoming releases? I know I can use melodyne to create a tempo map from an audio file, but in this case it's a piece of classical music which requires surgical adjustments, which I think are possible only editing the tempo map with audiosnap
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