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There has never been a better time to MaxOut your H9! Eligible owners of H9 and H9 Core can upgrade to an H9 Max for less. Discover new sonic dimensions with 52 effect algorithms and more than 500 presets that push the boundaries of delay, reverb, pitch shifting, modulation, distortion and more. Upgrade Base Prices H9 Standard – $120 H9 Core – $220 Additional discounts are available based on what algorithms you’ve previously purchased. Get your price! Additional Details Free and pre-installed algorithms DO NOT count toward your upgrade discount. If you already own an H9 Max, you DO NOT need to purchase a MaxOut.Only one H9 Max is needed for algorithms to be available across all registered H9 devices. Download the latest version of H9 Control. Once you’ve purchased your upgrade, launch H9 Control > Settings > Sync Algorithms on H9 with Server.
Thanks so much, everybody. I will post in the Deals forum from now on. If you ever have any questions about Eventide gear or software, please don't hesitate to ask.
My apologies on not posting it in the correct forum. Pardon my ignorance but I think I'm confused though as I haven't seen a "Deals" or Hardware Gear" section on this forum. Only this one titled "Gear".
From now through June 7th, 2022 you can save over 75% off our H3000 series plug-ins.
We are happy to announce a Todd Rundgren-inspired “Open My Eyes” remix contest, offering contest participants the opportunity to flex their creativity and mixing prowess in competition for a host of prizes, including two Grand Prizes worth more than $3000. The contest is now open, with a submission deadline of May 11. Remix must noticeably include Eventide’s Instant Flanger Mk II and/or Instant Phaser Mk II plug-ins. There are no restrictions on using additional software or hardware from 3rd parties. Download fully functional demos from each product page. Download the raw tracks and submit your remix! In support of the contest, Instant Phaser & Instant Flanger are on sale for $39 each until May 11th, 2022. It is not necessary to own the plug-ins to participate in the remix contest.
SplitEQ is on sale through April 4th, 2022! https://etide.io/SplitEQSale Please note that Physion owners can take advantage of our crossgrade, and get SplitEQ for the even lower price of $77.40. For those that own it already, be sure to download the update: Software update details: (v1.0.12) - Updated the UI with 3 distinct themes: Normal, Dark, and Colorblind Accessible - Swapped the default transient / tonal band handle tab direction, and added a user setting to configure their direction - Added mouse wheel Q control to EQ plot - Fixed a bug where the UI would appear as blank in certain hosts on macOS Mojave - Updated the User Guide to reflect new changes, and fix some typos - Various other small bug fixes and improvements
The Anthology XII plug-in bundle brings Eventide's 50 years of pioneering audio technology directly to your D.A.W. Anthology XI has everything you need to take your sonic story to the next level by combining award-winning, groundbreaking, inspirational effects with the most essential music production staples of the last half-century! The 31 included plug-ins make common tasks more streamlined while stimulating your inspiration. The bundle features groundbreaking Structural Effects like SplitEQ and Physion, the otherworldly sounds of Blackhole and Undulator, authentic emulations of Eventide studio mainstays such as the iconic H910, H949 and H3000 Harmonizers, Instant Phaser, Instant Flanger, Omnipressor® and the legendary reverbs of the SP2016. Also included are other one-of-a-kind tools like Tony Visconti's Tverb and Octavox. Over $4,200 in value, Anthology XII adds 10 plugins to the previous Anthology bundle with 3 new reverbs, 3 new mod effects, 2 pitch effects, a cool distortion effect, and a next-generation EQ: SplitEQ — Groundbreaking EQ with transient/tonal splitting technology SP2016 Reverb —The legendary Room, Stereo Room, and Hi-Density Plate from the rackmount SP2016 Spring — The dreamy flutters of the classic spring reverb ShimmerVerb — Massive ethereal reverb with parallel pitch shifters TriceraChorus — Syrupy smooth Tri-Stereo chorus with MicroPitch & Psychedelic Swirl CrushStation® —Distortion/Overdrive Command Central Rotary Mod — Whirly Leslie Cab Modulation Undulator —Magical H3000 Modulated Tremolo MicroPitch —Iconic H3000 Dual Voice Pitch Shift + Delay Crystals —Signature reverse pitch shift/delay effect Features 31 Plug-in flagship collection symbolizes 50 years of Eventide effects 4,500+ presets across all plugins, including artist presets SplitEQ grants ultimate Transient and Tonal control over any mix Authentic emulations of classic Eventide Harmonizers®, modulation effects, and more Lush spaces from the iconic Blackhole® and SP2016 Reverb among other dreamy and musical reverbs Thicken and layer sounds with signature pitch effects like Crystals, MicroPitch, and Octavox Create depth with unique delay multi-effects like UltraTap, Undulator, and H3000 Band Delays Sweeten tracks with the smooth sounds of TriceraChorus, Instant Phaser MkII, and Instant Flanger MkII Inject heft and grit with distortion multi-effects CrushStation® and MangledVerb H9 series plug-ins feature a programmable RIBBON perfect for live performance Plenty of ways to morph, mangle, pitch-shift, reshape, and define your sound A comprehensive and creative toolkit for producers, mixers, and artists alike OWN ANY EVENTIDE PLUG-INS? LEARN YOUR UPGRADE PRICE HERE: https://www.eventideaudio.com/plug-ins/anthology-xii/
Here's an overview for anybody interested:
I'm pleased to announce that Eventide has released SplitEQ, an advanced equalization plug-in featuring our patented Structural Split technology. The culmination of a multi-year effort, SplitEQ works in a fundamentally different way from traditional EQs. It’s a new approach for corrective and creative rebalancing, enhancing, repairing, and widening any musical signal or other audio source. World-class 8-band parametric EQ with precise musical filters Equalizes Transient and Tonal parts of a sound separately using Eventide’s patented Structural Split™ technology Controls Transient and Tonal Output levels Enhances the stereo field with continuous Transient and Tonal panning controls (L/R and Mid/Side modes) Innovative real-time spectrum analyzer displays the Transient and Tonal streams independently Controls for the underlying Split technology for fine tuning and experimentation Globally scales the EQ curves together or independently Has Peak, Notch, Bandpass, High-Shelf, Low-Shelf, Tilt Shelf, High-Pass, and Low-Pass filter types with slopes from 6 to 96 dB/octave Includes a comprehensive library with over 150 presets A/B buttons allow quick auditioning of two presets or settings plus Undo/ Redo functionality Graphical user interface with zoom options and can be re-sized SplitEQ is available for Mac and PC in VST, AAX and AU formats for an introductory price of $99 (reg.$179) through January 3rd, 2022 from Eventide and authorized dealers worldwide. Click for more info
If you want to learn about it, today we posted a blog dedicated to this unique piece of gear. With the success of the H949 Harmonizer’s de-glitched pitch change in 1979, our focus largely shifted towards all of the other possibilities for digital audio with a particular emphasis on reverberation, leading to the development of the world’s first general-purpose digital audio processor, the SP2016. When it came time to design the next-generation Harmonizer, we turned to engineer Jeff Sasmor to develop it. The H969 ProPitch Harmonizer, released in 1984—five years after the H949 and nearly a decade after the H910—offered the “cleanest, highest quality pitch change ever,” as stated by the user manual. A complex device with a simple-to-use interface, the manual even came complete with an innovative Experiments section; there were 5 “experiments” users could perform to help them navigate the H969’s new features, including extended flange, repeat, reverse, and a brand new Doppler effect. The H969 also improved the accuracy and range (a whole octave wider) of the pitch change, allowing users to set precise, musical intervals of pitch shifting with the push of a button: Engineer Chuck Zwicky recalls Prince adding the H969 to his arsenal at Paisley Park as soon as it became available. Steve Vai was also an early adopter. “I remember that Steve Vai came to Paisley Park to meet Prince and Steve was seated in the back corner of the room, right under a little 4 space insert in the wall which housed a Quantec QRS and our H969. At one point Steve mentioned that he also had one and that he liked it for its “musical” aspects (pre-set pitch interval keys) and I said that I liked its extreme range of pitch shift.” In fact, the H969 was one of the first pro audio products to feature “PRESETS” by including a set of 5 buttons that users could program to specific values of delay, making it easier to save and recall favorite delay settings: Read the rest of it along with all of our other Flashbacks here.
Hi Cakewalk friends, as a longtime Cakewalk & Sonar user I wanted to share info on our latest pedal release with the community. Inspired by the classic Tri-Stereo Chorus and stompbox choruses of the 1970s and early 1980s, the TriceraChorus pedal pairs rich Bucket Brigade-style chorusing with Eventide’s legendary MicroPitch detuning for a lushness that rivals the jungles of the late Cretaceous Period. TriceraChorus features three chorus voices and three unique chorus effects which can be used to create a wide stereo spread with pulsing waves of modulation. The innovative “Swirl” footswitch adds psychedelic flanging, phasing and Univibe-style tones. It has never been easier to dial in syrupy smooth deep modulation on guitar, bass, synths, strings, vocals and more. Read more about it and hear audio examples Watch the live stream: https://youtu.be/JdSL9C9liFg
We want to hear from you! If you've ever used an Eventide #H969 Harmonizer, shoot us a DM or comment below with your favorite memory of the product. We're celebrating our 50th anniversary and are documenting our history. We'd love to hear from all our former and current users.
Thanks so much! Here's FLASHBACK 7.3: H949 Harmonizer® — Bending, Stretching, and Twisting Time In the first two parts of the H949 Harmonizer tale, you learned how the H949 built upon the legacy of the H910, offering de-glitched pitch-change for improved accuracy and a bevy of new features. With expanded options like Random delay mode and MicroPitch, the H949 set the standard for faithful, fine-tuned double-tracking emulation and pitch correction, which saved a lot of time in the studio when re-recording was not an option. Even in live sound, a brave engineer could use it to perfect pitch on the spot, in front of a live audience! But beyond being an intelligent pitch-shifting tool, with options like Repeat, Delay, and Flange, artists and engineers could achieve huge, layered sounds that soared to harmonious—or cacophonous—new heights. The H949 has been a go-to device for engineers on classic songs and albums by the likes of Prince, Frank Zappa, the Ramones, and artists of today like Ty Segall. We reached out to a few of the H949’s devoted users for their take on what has made this box so special, and integral, to their processes for over four decades: CHECK OUT ALL THE INTERVIEWS AND FULL BLOG HERE: https://www.eventideaudio.com/blog/aflink/flashback-73-h949-harmonizer-bending-stretching-and-twisting-time
Today we released part 2 of our H949 blog and I wanted to share it with any fellow gear-nerds out there. https://www.eventideaudio.com/blog/aagnello/flashback-72-h949-new-one Flashback 7.1, “Ding Dong! The Glitch is Dead,” took a deep dive into the technology at the heart of de-glitching pitch change, an advance that made tuning pitchy voices and instruments practical for the first time. Now, let’s return from our ramble down Nerd Boulevard and learn some of the other reasons why so many H910 fans sprung for over $11,000 (in 2021 dollars) to buy an H949 as soon as it hit the market. The H949 greatly expanded the sonic horizon of the simpler H910. The rapid advance of technology made improvements impossible to resist and new features possible to imagine. Plus, we had the benefit of users’ suggestions and pleas. The H910’s designer, Tony Agnello, knew what he wanted and needed to do next. Some things were obvious, others less so. To accomplish some of the ideas he had in mind, his first step was to design a compute engine that could generate as many memory addresses as possible for each audio sample. By designing a primitive yet really fast address computation machine, the H949’s design made possible unprecedented digital muckery, as implied by the front panel control legends: So New, So Cool In 1980, Suzanne Ciani demonstrated her “Voice Box, ” which featured an H949, to the amusement and bemusement of David Letterman and his national audience: Read the whole part 2 of the blog here: https://www.eventideaudio.com/blog/aagnello/flashback-72-h949-new-one
The H949's algorithm is more defined than the H910 (hence all the hoopla around 'de-glitched') and is capable of multiple effects (delay, flange, pitch shift, reverse). You should try out the demo & play with it. The H910 has its own sound and is great for certain tasks and tricks just as the H949 is in it's own way, but the H949 came after so the technology was a bit more advanced for it's day. Read all about it in this blog: https://www.eventideaudio.com/blog/aagnello/flashback-7-h949-harmonizer
Thanks for posting. All the audio nerds out there will revel in the accompanying blog that tells the deep history of the H949. This month we’re taking a look back at the first Intelligent Audio Processor, the H949 Harmonizer®. Introducing the terms "algorithm" and "micropitch" to the audio lexicon, the H949 represented a major advance in the very notion of an effects box. It was able to analyze audio in real-time and make decisions based on that analysis. It was used to create new sounds and to correct pitchy tracks. Among so much more. Read all about the history of this device in our #50thFlashback blog.
Eventide Audio is collecting stories about people who have used the H949 Harmonizer (It's our 50th anniversary). We'd love to know your memories, stories, or specific uses you or people you've worked with had with the product. Please comment below or send us a DM.
We want to hear from you! If you've ever used an Eventide #HM80Harmonizer, shoot us a DM or comment below with your favorite memory of the product. We are celebrating our 50th Anniversary and documenting our history.
As of now it can only be purchased as part of the Clockworks or Anthology bundles. However, it will soon be available on it's own.
Thanks so much for posting! Blackhole demonstration videos can be viewed at https://etide.io/blackhole-pedal-videos Features Five presets loaded at your feet with dozens more available with Eventide Device Manager (EDM) software Control the Size of your space from a cartoonishly small room to a limitless universe Use PreDelay to offset the onset of the reverb Turn up Feedback to go beyond the event horizon Tap the Freeze Footswitch to instantly 'freeze' your sound Dual action Active Footswitch is latching or momentary Rear panel Guitar/Line Level switch for selecting use with guitar, synths, FX loop or DAW interface Map any combination of parameters to an Expression Pedal Use a single Aux switch to Tap Tempo or a triple Aux switch for easy preset changing (up/down/load) MIDI capability over TRS (use with a MIDI to TRS cable or converter box) or USB Multiple Bypass options: Buffered, Relay, DSP+FX or Kill dry Catch-up mode helps dial in your sound when toggling between presets/parameters Eventide Device Manager PC or Mac application for software updates, system settings and creating/saving presets Fine-tune your tone with Lo, Hi and Q (resonance) controls. Use the tone controls to add airiness or clear up the low-end. Map the EQ controls to an expression pedal to add movement to the reverb tail Unique Gravity control to custom-tailor the reverb tail in two realms — normal or inverse decay. Create interesting swells or suck the dry signal back into the reverb tail. At longer decay times, Blackhole allows the articulation to shine through without competing with the reverb tail
Newfangled Audio is proud to announce Pendulate's big brother, Generate. Generate takes Pendulate's chaotic architecture and adds polyphony, 4 additional chaotic oscillators, 2 additional unique wavefolders, 16 addtional modulation sources, and amazing effects. Check out Generate here: https://www.eventideaudio.com/products/third-party-plug-ins/chaotic-synth/generate Price: $99 Intro Special / reg. $149 Crossgrades: Owners of Elevate Bundle ($69) Owners of other Newfangled Plugins ($79) Intro pricing ends 10/19/20 Compatibility: Windows 8.1+: VST/VST3/AAX 64 bit only Mac OSX10.9+: VST/VST3/AU/AAX 64 bit only iLok account required to activate (no dongle necessary) Overview video:
Thanks so much for checking it out! Here's our overview video:
Here's a demo in case anybody is interested and you can also download a 30-day fully-functional demo from our site.
Unfortunately, Spring is not available in Anthology XI. I wanted to share our preset video though in case anybody wanted to hear how it sounds...
Singing the iLok blues - new iLok plugins have problems...
Orville replied to TheSteven's topic in Instruments & Effects
I work for Eventide and have seen this issue. We've given customers the same workaround. I didn't realize so many developers were having the same problem so I had our engineers reach out to PACE in hopes that they can fix this.- 9 replies
- 2
- ilok issues
- vsts
(and 1 more)
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