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  1. I found out, that, when starting Sonar, the streaming with Amazon Music oder Tidal is disrupted. This is strange because in Sonar I only activated the Asio In / Out Driver and the streaming services use the Mainboard audio output. CbB shows the same behavior. Is there a way to prevent the disrupting of the streaming services?
  2. The same here. I had to activate CbB today. Last version installed. I thought activation is no longer needed for the last free version.
  3. Thanks for your fast support! Now all works great again. I think I would have never found the reason. I will contact NI for this problem.
  4. Hi all. i have the strange problem, that my project file (cwp) grows exponentially from saving to saving. First I wondered, why loading and saving of my project needs more and more time. Then I checked the system memory with the task manager. It was around 14 GB. So I decided to buy more ram. But no improvements. Finally I checked the project file. It had a size of 800 MB meanwhile. I thought the reason was the latest cakewalk version. So rolled back to 11/2021. I restarted from an earlier point of the project. But the project file keeps growing. Now I am at a loss. I hope someone has an idea. I uploaded some project files to wetransfer: https://we.tl/t-b5rrSB0Cl2 Thanks in advance for your support.
  5. I have a question concerning the export of audio tracks. For me it would be helpful when exporting audio tracks, that the track number follows directly the export filename. Is this considered in the changes you made in the new version?
  6. No. I don't use workspaces and I didn't knew they exist.
  7. Thanks for your answer. So I have to say it works partly. The menu only shows "untitled", No matter what I do. In the source the synth rack is closed in the destination it is opened. The adjusted size of the Control View doesn't fit. The adjusted size of the Piano Roll View doesn't fit. Please test. Best regards.
  8. Hi, the import of screensets doesn't work for me. When I want to import a screenset from another project it says Import screenset from 'untiteled' and the imported screensets don't correlate to the exported screensets. Please check. Perhaps it would be helpful to save the screensets to a configuration file. Thank you.
  9. The measurment is done by beats not by time. So there are around two seconds missing in the clip.
  10. I did select and copy the original clip and then inserted it in another position.
  11. Thank you for your answer. But bouncing is not the solution. In my picture, the length of the original clip is 4:00:00 . The clip length of the copied clip is 3:03:240. Yes, this behaviour of Cakewalk is only a problem for my eyes. But perhaps it can be fixed in one of the next versions.
  12. If I copy a clip the copied clip doesn't draw until the end like the source clip does. The copied clip ends at end of the last note event in the clip. See the yellow circle in the picture.
  13. Thanks for the information!
  14. A new small issue: If I open a project, the automation lines are drawn as a fat line as you see in the attachment. If I open the automation lane of the belonging track and close it again the automation lane is drawn correctly.
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