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Everything posted by lawajava

  1. Michael - thanks for this. I had everything from Hollow Sun and Hideaway Studios up until the time Stephen Howell passed. Since Dan had worked closely with Stephen I had the impression the momentum sort of slowed from that point. Apparently he had kept going and adding after all! I hadn't revisited Hideaway Studios for a while, and see that Dan has put out some nice stuff over the past several years. This discount allowed me to catch up on a few items that Dan had subsequently released. They sound great, and even though they are a bargain in general, this discount put the bargain over the top. And, not to miss the point - these sound fantastic.
  2. I've had it quite a while and used weird stuff from it as spice on occasion. I can freeze the track and not worry about CPU impact once I have something interesting to capture and incorporate in a song. It's odd but somewhat interesting.
  3. The message was in my junk mail. I never would have seen it without this post. Thanks for pointing this out! Got it installed / updated now.
  4. Just reiterating - for anyone who has a passing interest in the MKII Phaser - once you hear it you'll hear the vibe of some of Led Zeppelin's songs / techniques. It's interesting!
  5. Yeah, it was automatic. About the Phaser - the YouTube tutorial on it demonstrates how the original hardware version of that effect was an element of the Led Zeppelin sound. It's a nice add!
  6. On the favorite recent discount topic there were many. But favorite for me this summer was the Vengeance sale. One example was that normally the Avenger expansion packs are around $70 each. With the short-term 50% off sale, those became affordable. But Sweetwater had 5 packs that were already at a bundle price as a discount, and at 50% off, the expansion packs became ridiculously affordable so I picked up 10. But that just pulled me into looking more at the Vengeance products I didn't have yet, and there were several that I am super glad I could get due to that sale.
  7. coupon code SUMMER2019 brings it down to $26.99.
  8. In case no one has checked.. We crossed the line! Good to go on 8!
  9. It's truly amazing how fast that number has been spinning. Yesterday it seemed like a long shot.
  10. I want to point out some special thanks to Simon who in a PM conversation navigated me through some oblong steps to ultimately get the Korg Collection's special plug called Legacy Cell to work. I now have it working in Cubase Pro 10 - but not in Cakewalk or in Studio One Pro 4.5. Even though my primary is Studio One, this is a big help to have a DAW to at least utilize this module in so that I can transfer sounds and tracks from it back into my intended song(s) in Studio One. Thoughts: 1. The UI of Legacy Cell is passable - really not too bad, at least for retrieving patches 2. The install process for Legacy Cell is beyond abysmal. It truly doesn't exist. But if you have friends, there are secret passages you can sneak through in the dark of the night to potentially get it working. 3. The patch sounds are fantastic! It's definitely worth the effort, especially if you have the Korg Collection already and had given up hope on getting Legacy Cell to work. For Studio One users I have added to a problem inquiry on this subject at this link: https://answers.presonus.com/8100/korg-legacycell-wont-show-up-in-s1-3-x?show=43606#a43606 Thanks again Simon!
  11. When I log into Korg ID, then go to Registered Products, then I see the Korg Collection installers. At the bottom is a link to Bonus Program. Inside there I see 21 Expansion Packs. Simon - I'm still having difficulty with Legacy Cell. I only have one installer for it, not a choice of a 64-bit or a 32-bit. I installed it fresh, then put all of its dlls in a folder and ran Jbridge on the folder. Only the MDE-X file resulted in a bridged 64 bit file. Regardless of whether I scanned that from a bridged folder in my VST directory, or by moving the bridged 64 bit dll to the same folder as the rest of the Korg Collection dlls, the Legacy Cell still doesn't come up in the DAW. It works fine as stand-alone. How did you make this work again, maybe with a bit more detail?
  12. Simon - thanks! Trying that this evening. In case you don't know (I didn't until this evening), when logged in to the Korg site there's an area in the registered products section that allows someone who owns the collection to download a broad set of expansion packs (that are not listed in the main section where one downloads the product installers). There are quite a few expansions there.
  13. I can get all of the Korg Collection to work fine in Studio One Pro 4.5 - except the Legacy Cell. The Legacy Cell stand-alone works fine. But it won't load in StudioOne. Did you install the 32-bit version of Legacy Cell and then use Jbridge to load it in Cubase?
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