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G Randy Brown

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Everything posted by G Randy Brown

  1. By notification I meant an email stating someone replied to a post I have participated...ordinarily I do get one (I got one a few minutes ago to another thread I participated in) but nothing from this thread for some reason ("Notify me of replies" is checked below )
  2. What a wealth of Cakewalk knowledge you are Steve...thanks, works great!
  3. When drawing controllers in PRV (ie modulation) I go from the smart tool to the draw tool and have to select draw line. My question is, is there a way to set the smart tool to draw line instead of having to change tools as the default? Thanks, Randy
  4. I don't recall if this is the correct term for what my issue is but it along with "polyphonic velocity audition " are checked. When I'm placing or dragging a note in PRV I sometimes get sound and other times not. Is velocity audition what I need (or is it another adjustment) and if so I wonder why it sometimes doesn't work at all. Thanks, Randy
  5. I had forgotten what a great forum this is...a simple one click solution! Wish you guys were on my video forum! Thanks, Randy
  6. I haven't been active for a while but I'm trying to get a piece together for a memorial video for a family member and I hit something that made me lose my layout. I need the transport bar and tools bar to show consitently...as it is now I have the control bar showing and I have to click on transport or tools repetively and it's really messing with the flow. Thanks in advance, Randy
  7. As usual you are right Steve, I started a new cwp and CW had no problem sticking with 24/48. I guess my next task will be to find out what kept switching it back to 44.1...but it's good to know it's not due to CW. Thanks again, Randy
  8. I'll do that Steve even tho I don't feel it's actually "solved"...not sure why I can no longer run 24/48.
  9. I closed my video production company a couple years ago and don't take on any serious work nowadays but I feel sure I used to always run Vegas and Sonar in 24/48 and like you only used 44.1 when having to do things like CDs (thank god those days are gone ?)
  10. Hmm I could have sworn that I used to always run 24/48 even in CW (to be consistant with all of my video work) but it appears you are right and your suggestions have resolved my issue. I hit the ASIO Panel button under drivers and my Presonus Studio 2/4 was set to 44.1. I changed it to 48 and within a couple of seconds it switched back. I set CW to 44.1 and all is well so thanks very much!
  11. Wow, well hopefully support is working on it...it must have broken with an update because I've never seen this in the 19 years I've been using CW.
  12. ohhh, so it's actually still running...thanks for the tip! BTW, support is aware of the issue?
  13. It's been a while since I've used CbB but I've recently noticed CbB won't release the drivers after I close the project. I have to reset the audio or restart the PC to get back to normal. As I recall CbB didn't want to share drivers when in use but would always release them when closed. I've gone thru prefs and dont see an issue...any suggestions as to what I should do?
  14. I opened 2 tickets with them and they responded very quickly and both were resolved. That said, I never mentioned Cakewalk and they never asked ?
  15. 1- CW states it can't find my Alchemy folder so I show it where it is, it states it's a valid folder and all is well...I save the cwp and go thru the same process when reopening. 2- I get "Can't find graphics for T RackS 5" and click ok 25 times (I counted) and then it asks me if I want to enable the plugin or disable and I choose disable. I go thru this several times and finally quit getting the pop-ups but they return whenever I open CW. Any suggestions? Thanks, Randy
  16. I've been playing around with it and everythings loads fine except the 18 violins. It's not resolved yet but EW support has been comunicating since I opened the ticket yesterday so maybe you should try them too?
  17. Not sure why I didn't get a notification regarding your reply Steve but thanks very much!
  18. Howdy, it's been quite a while since I've posted or even worked in CW. I built a new PC because my old one was struggling with 4K in Vegas (video editing software). I would like to get everything CW going on it also and trying to install all VSTs but CbB says they're not installed properly. I installed my old Platinum version to get back things like CA-2A and it states I'm in demo mode but I can't seem to be able to activate it...the toast has a link to activate offline but this PC has internet access. How can I enter serial number/activate it online? Thanks very much, Randy
  19. Yes but more specifically I want to be able to do what that guy is doing... drag across select clips in the timeline and them automatically open in PRV while removing whatever is already in the PRV. What I do now is have all MIDI tracks in PRV and selecting/highlighting whatever track(s) I'm working with...if you know of a better way I'd like to hear any suggestion...thanks!
  20. I've been using CW since the late 90s and still love it but for editing MIDI I would very much like to be able to use something like this program at 00:02:36 Does anyone know what it is or if CWbB is planning on implementing something like that? Thanks, Randy
  21. Sorry Raul, I just now ran across this...no, I never got it resolved, I switched interfaces back to the Presonus.
  22. Sorry, I just stumbled on this (I didnt get an email stating someone had replied for some reason). Yes, I know how to change it and what you describe is what I've been doing... I was just hoping there's ma way to change the default. Thanks, Randy
  23. I've looked thru preferences but can't find things like draw/line instead of the default draw/freehand...is there such a thing? Thanks, Randy
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