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  1. I tried a few times with no success. The machine doesn't boot. Even if one was bad, I would think it would start. Which makes me wonder if there is something set wrong in the BIOS.
  2. It appears that this is a RAM problem. About 5 or 6 weeks ago I got a "good deal" on 32G of memory and put it in my machine along with the 16G that was in there to start. All along it appeared to be working no problem. Windows 10 seemed to see it and I ran memory tests for about 13 hours. And even when I started to have this Save problems, the tests told me that there were no problems. I did a clean install of Cakewalk, still not solved. Then I took out the 32G and things seem to work again with 16G. The memory is "mismatched" by the way - the 2 8G 's are 2400 and the 2 16G's are 3200 (DDR4). The motherboard is a Gigabyte B360M DS3H by the way. It is only cable of max speed of 2666. From anything I read on the internet, it should work (although at the slowest speed - 2400). If anybody knows of any setting I should be looking at in the BIOS, I'd love to hear about it! Otherwise I'll live with 16G that works!
  3. I have been using CWbB for years now with no real problems. It now works normally but as soon as you hit Save, it is unresponsive. It does not save and the only way forward is to End Task from Task Manager. Cakewalk and Windows 10 are up to date. I installed the V Distrubutables from Microsoft. I re installed Cakewalk (not a clean install). I don't think any of my disks are bad, I ran the checker on them all and it says all is well. There should be lots of free space. Sonar X3 and Reaper both save, no problem. I have an i7, 48 G Ram, Focusrite 18i8. Any body have any ideas? Thanks.
  4. If you somehow lost the metronome audio files they are stored on c:/ cakewalk content/ cakewalk core/ metronome
  5. Click on Use Audio Metronome
  6. Have you tried unchecking all the UMC inputs & outputs first? Maybe then the Yamaha drivers would be un greyed.
  7. And I had to use the Authorization Manager to get the lock off.
  8. I'm assuming that you have a midi drum track with everything on one track. One easy way to do it is copy the drum track a few times (ctrl shift drag) and delete everything that isn't the kick drum on one track, everything that isn't the snare on another track, etc. Don't touch the original, in case you screw up. When you're done archive the original drum track.
  9. Drum Replacer does allow you to use outside samples. Just drag your sample over the one that's in there. Watch a video on Drum Replacer.
  10. Right click on track........Save as track template Then when you want to use it, Right click on empty part of track section.....Insert from Track Template
  11. Hopefully you went to the Focusrite website and downloaded the proper driver. Make sure it is set to ASIO in the Cakewalk preferences menu. This will get you started (if you haven't already done this.)
  12. Or zoom way out in your Track View and drag.
  13. I assume you know to move the dll to a folder that your vst settings is set to see.
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