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Everything posted by AlChuck

  1. I have a couple of Kontakt instruments I bought and I'm trying to use them. I add the Kontakt Player to a project and load up one of the instruments. I direct the output of a MIDI track to the Kontakt Player and then hit Play. No sound. If I display the Kontakt keyboard and click on any of the keys I hear the notes I'm clicking. But it is not responding to the MIDI notes in the track. What am I missing here?
  2. Thanks for the advice. I'll see if I get a consistent code and if that narrows down the issue.
  3. If I have a track that I've cut up into various bits (to apply Clip Automation on the gain, for example, or just to delete bum notes or buzzing during silent parts), it seems that as soon as the number of clips gets to a certain point, I get a Audio Engine Dropout error at the end of the operation. No big deal except that if I then try to move on and do some more in the project, almost anything I do causes Cakewalk to hang. Fortunately, if I Save the project before I try anything else, then close Cakewalk and re-open it, the completed bounced track is there and I can go on to further work on the project, but it's a real irritation. I've had this issue for at least several versions now. Does anyone else see this happening? Maybe my PC isn't buff enough? (I've got an Intel Core i5-3450 CPU running at 3.10 GHz and 16 GB of RAM).
  4. James, yes, that's me! All is well. I haven't spent much time on hr.com lately, but nowadays I'm doing a lot more recording, so I might be popping in from time to time.
  5. No, I expected the Import to create them as usual, but it only created the one. Do you have the latest update?
  6. I had a stereo track to import that I wanted to have as two mono tracks in my project, so when selecting the file, I checked the Import as Mono Tracks checkbox. Only one file appeared in the project. It's not a huge deal, as I can import it normally, then use the Bounce to Tracks and select Split Mono, and that works. Still, doing it in one step up front is preferable, Anyone else experiencing this?
  7. Calum, try selecting the Bank named 15488-Preset Normal 0 at the top of the list... then you should see all the proper instrument names appear in the Patch list:
  8. You can start with the Cakewalk TTS-1, which is a General MIDI synth (see here if you don't know what that means). It's got 128 instruments available, 16 categories with 8 instruments each. The categories are Piano Chromatic Percussion Organ Guitar Bass Strings Ensemble (things like String Ensemble, Choir Aahs...) Brass Reed Pipe Synth Lead Synth Pad Synth Effects Ethnic Sound effects Percussion So, plenty you can do with that! The sounds range from not too bad to pretty awful, but there are many software synths you can get later that are much more realistic, some dedicated to a single group of instruments like Addictive Drums or Addictive Keys. Hope that's helpful!
  9. The Dimension Pro dll needs to be in a directory that the VST scan (which runs when you open Cakewalk) indexes. On my system the Dimension Pro stuff is in the Dimension Pro directory under C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\VstPlugins\
  10. It seems to be anything except TTS-1 or Dimension Pro. In one project Dimension Pro was the last VSTi I added and it still plays, but the others (Lounge Lizard keys and Kontakt) are silent. In another project even Dimension Pro doesn't work if I add it to the project. I did check all the track routing, all is as it should be.
  11. Installed the update yesterday. Suddenly this morning I get no sound coming through any of the VST instruments that I add to a project. It seems that the only thing that responds audibly is Cakewalk TTS-1. Visually everything seems fine, the synth dashboards all look like they should, and those that have meters or anything that responds visually to MIDI data looks right, but there's no sound. Those that offer a way of triggering sounds, like clicking on the bass neck of the Studio Instruments bass, act like they're working fine – but not a sound. Curiously, opening a project I was working on yesterday that had Lounge Lizard Keys, Kontact Player, and Dimension Pro, the track assigned to Dimension Pro, the last thing I added, plays fine, but the other two are mute. I don't know if it's an issue with the new update but the timing is a bit suspicious ? Anyone else having this issue?
  12. Suddenly this morning I get no sound coming through any of the VST instruments that I add to a project. It seems that the only thing that responds audibly is Cakewalk TTS-1. Visually everything seems fine, the synth dashboards all look like they should, and those that have meters or anything that responds visually to MIDI data looks right, but there's no sound. Those that offer a way of triggering sounds, like clicking on the bass neck of the Studio Instruments bass, act like they're working fine – but not a sound. I'm wondering if the latest Cakewalk update yesterday is responsible. Is anyone else having this issue?
  13. Thanks, everyone! I'll try that out...
  14. I'm preparing a couple of reference tracks for some friends to record their parts to remotely. None of them have Cakewalk so we have to pass around audio files and I'll assemble them and mix them at the end. I use markers to delineate the structure of the songs. It occurred to me that it would be helpful if I could get a list of my markers into a text editor and edit it to communicate song structure to the others. I could not find a way to do this. I looked in the documentation and in the community posts, so I'm assuming this is something that cannot be done.
  15. Aha, never mind, I did a little further digging and found this tutorial article: That had enough detail to kick me over the line. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
  16. Thanks much! I thought there might be a quick direct way to do it like a "include metronome in exported audio" setting or something somewhere. In trying to follow your directions, I get stuck at the first step... I see no Metronome bus displayed, so I cannot insert a send. Is this something that is there but hidden by default?
  17. I'm creating a series of simple vamps for practicing improvising. I simply want to export them to WAV files and then be able to play them from devices that I don't have Cakewalk present on (my iPhone, my Mac laptop, my Kindle Fire). I have the metronome toggled on for playback. When I export the files I see no option for including the metronome sound, and indeed the exported files do not have it. What am I missing?
  18. Thanks! That works! At some point I did that and somewhere along the line it reset to selecting my MIDI out port... maybe one of the updates did that?
  19. I could have sworn that at some point along the way, if you opened a MIDI file in Cakewalk, by default it would apply the TTS-1 synth and you could just hit Play and hear something... Am I crazy? Lately I've been having to insert it as a soft synth and then manually assign each track's output to it...
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