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Clovis Hailey

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About Clovis Hailey

  • Birthday 03/11/1957

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  1. My windows midi icon shows only the left button highlighting and no sound coming out of my headphones?
  2. My hair is almost gone! I cannot get "Enable MIDI Output" to allow a checkmark? I have both input and output set to my LPK25?
  3. One more question; How would I change instruments after I am setup with TTS-1GM? Do I just go to add Instrument? I have Organized Trio VSTi that has a great Hammond B3 in it.
  4. Wow Scook! That is what finally creeped into my brain. Once these settings are established can I save them in a file to be recalled when needed? Thanks everyone for this amazing help. Musicians take care of each other.
  5. Thanks again Bob, this is the big picture stuff I was talking about and you are laying it out great! I'm gonna get this so thanks a million.
  6. Thanks Robert! I kind of got stuck between 1) & 2)? Is this where I create a track? Audio tract or midi tract? I'm easily confused as you can tell. Thanks, so close yet so far.
  7. Thank you guys! I think I am starting to understand on this subject. For some reason this program is complex to me but I learn by digging in and conquer one thing at a time so there will be lots of questions to come. THANKS!!!!!
  8. In my Audio Devicesc: ASIO4all v2 micn 1 input driver and ASIO v2 hpout 1 output then i see "in use by another application" ms g5 wavetable synth enabled? Driver Mode=ASIO and Assign Inst to midi to output. How does all of this effect or interact with my Akai LPK25? Thanks!!
  9. WOW Mr. Bone!! I truly appreciate your guidance, you are a genius my friend! Let me work with this in the next few days and I know there will be more questions! I thought I was pretty smart until reading what you sound guys work with, I am humbled and pretty ignorant at this time. I still want to be a rock star now that I am retired hehehe! Thank You Again!!!
  10. I have been pulling what is left of my hair out trying to hear and or see my soft synths being manipulated by my LPK25 MIDI Keyboard Controller. I have changed so many settings in so many places I am just lost! I have worked in the computer world for over 25 years, Engineering, Licensed Surveyor, Geographic Information Systems Director and Developer and this Audio stuff is hard to understand, hurting my ego, lol! Oh, I was a musician in the mid 70's for 6 years. What are the separate areas or parameters that need be set up and in what sequence? I see Audio settings and MIDI Devices "in-out", ASIO and EEM and Microsoft? What should I do in what order? I simply want to record synths/music with my headphones using my VST's and Akai LPK25. Thank you for any help, this old hippy needs some help.
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