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  1. Many thanks for rapid response, I'll explore ...
  2. In my older win10 laptop it works ok, but when I installed it my new win11 laptop something went/goes wrong. It seems like starting OK, but then it stops loading. After a while it loads the project, but I cannot play it. The cursor keeps spinning indefinitely indicating supposely some process all the time. In Taskmanager I see, that Cakewalk takes more and more of the memory all the time. Reinstall does not help. Funny thing is that the Sonar X3 PE works ok still! Some hints or ideas are welcome. I have none left. Erkki Ranta
  3. Steinberg UR 12 is about 100 dollars. but it has only one input. I have had with good experiense Steinberg UR22, which cost a bit more but has 2 inputs.
  4. I had the same problem in my desktop machine after formatting and reinstalling Sonar X3 PE and CWbB. Windows Event Viewer showed that the cause of crashing was in path C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins\BREVERB SONAR\BREVERB 2 Cakewalk-64.dll. It's date was 28.11.2012, size 5544 kb. Luckily I had in my laptop wellfunctioning CWbB, and I digged from there the same named plugin file dated 8.11.2018, size 5947 kb to replace the file. And Voila! No crashes anymore. I just don't know what I would have done if I didn't have my laptop as reserve... Where one would get replacing Breverb 2 plugin - except from Overloud, costing 89 dollars? Erkki Ranta
  5. I wrestled with problem havin no sounds in windows, when CbB was active. The solution was to put the loopback switch on in the interface (like John Vere referred), and in CW preferences check the "Suspend Audio Engine when Cakewalk is not in focus". Earlier I had Steinberg UR22 Mk II with no loopback knob. The loopback was executable in the driver software. Btw, in recording the loopback must be off if you don't want everything what you hear to the track.
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