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Eusebio Rufian-Zilbermann

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Everything posted by Eusebio Rufian-Zilbermann

  1. or for $83.16 from JRR with code group https://www.jrrshop.com/cherry-audio-year-three-collection
  2. $50 for the update sounds quite compelling... until they add GR6 to PA's 29 forever or PA's $15 after voucher! maybe it's wishful thinking but it sounds to me like the Soundwise strategy is to seriously explore the supply/demand curve and figure out if they can increase total revenue at much lower price points (the classic saying that you make more by selling a million trinkets at $1 instead of a thousand trinkets at $100). If that's the case, the "exploration" may bring some insane deals Now... I need to take a look at what is new in GR6 since GR5
  3. @patriciocs what plugins would you have bought with the voucher ($75 off a min purchase of $125) ?
  4. Looks like these are the changes? The "old normal" ============ Typical in a hurry prices (e.g., business needing something "right now") - hundreds of $$ Typical price for those with patience to wait for a sale, or for people with not so much patience regarding new releases and with vouchers - around $30 Good price for people with patience for waiting for a sale and holding on to vouchers until the right moment - around $15 The "new normal" ============= Lazy "don't want to read" prices - hundreds of $$ Normal price - $30 Typical price for those with patience to wait for a sale - around $15 Vouchers - useful for cases of many license transfers, but little else (so far)
  5. Conversation about this topic already started at (not complaining about it being re-posted, just trying to keep conversation threads in one place)
  6. So, on the topic of the differences between Max and the GB, but asking more directly In addition to the presets for individual instruments, does Syntronik 2Max also have presets for multis? If the answer is yes, is there some way (e.g., a free download) to get those Syntronik 2 multis if you have purchased the corresponding instruments separately?
  7. That extra 10% off moves a few of the prices from not bad to good. E.g., smart:compressor and other sonible products, beastsamples packs
  8. Oh yeah, I did. I didn't want to miss that Discombobulated Bloom Lead!
  9. Yes, the market for minimoog emulations is really cramped, maybe it was a "why not?" decision for Cherry Audio, but perhaps they should have done a promotion similar to the one they did for the MG-1 From the emulations I have maybe i'd put at the top of the list the g-force minimonsta, because of the fun factor in the presets by Rick Wakeman.
  10. I couldn't help noticing the "decoration" with bottles of whisky in the tutorial for EDM Bigroom Ammunition, down the page. Hint: if you needed a high BAC for recording the video, maybe it's not that good an idea to advertise it...
  11. or more like someone wrote 9999 as a placeholder when entering the target numbers for the tiers and forgot to update it when the page went live
  12. Something weird happened to the counter...
  13. You can see them in the Group Buy page https://www.ikmultimedia.com/syntronik2gb/ scroll down, and they are neatly arranged into new/classic
  14. The combination of reaching 11 x1 and being May 1st (monthly budget reset) got me into this GB too! I am having a confusing install experience - After registering the new syntronik 2 versions through the website, I am refreshing the IK Product manager. In the sounds tab I am seeing the product as installed (without doing anything) but, after opening syntronik 2, clicking on the instrument and then selecting the filter for showing only the syntronik 2 presets, I am seeing only a handful of presets (the ones already included in Syntronik 2 CS, but nothing new). Going back to the IK Product manager and selecting the option to reinstall solves the issue and after the reinstall, Syntronik 2 is showing the expected full list of v2 presets Conclusion - Do not trust the information shown in the IK Product manager if it shows the product as installed but you haven't actually gone through the download and install process. After adding the product in your account (initial purchase or from the Promo page in your account) use the "reinstall" option to get the sounds (and you better notice this before the downloads expire...) This is one of the issues that make the download expiration extremely annoying . If, for whatever reason you miss a download (bugs in the product manager that you don't notice, or an update gets released and you don't see it on time) you have to pay up the download refresh fee. I can understand the cost of some customers downloading many times instead of saving a copy, and wanting to restrict that through expiration, but feeling forced to be on top of the downloads and checking periodically for updates is infuriating.
  15. If you took advantage of other recent freebies, you should only "need" 31 (warning: if you felt you needed duplicates, you may want to check with a health professional if your GAS is entering its final stages...)
  16. I've been playing around with sample & Loop managers. I'm looking for something that can scan all my sample/loop folders and helps me explore them by musical qualities. I cannot find one that's fully satisfactory. Here are some thoughts: XLN XO - Very nice but only handles one-hit samples, no loops Algonaut Atlas- Similar to XO but also only handles one-hit samples, no loops Waves Cosmos - Handles both samples and loops, from a feature point of view looks really good, but performance is abysmal (takes longer than 24x7 to scan a large collection, when others take a few hours but less than a day to scan the same files). If you're looking for something that doesn't use much resources it may work for you. if you're looking for something that can handle a large collection, better forget about it. ADSR Sample manager - No sample-space exploration (point cloud) but otherwise pretty good performance WA Loopademy - No sample-space exploration either. You can import your samples/loops collection but you cannot update the imported results, it's always a re-scan & new import Loopcloud sample manager - Probably one of the best performers in terms of scanning time, but no sample-space exploration either and the good features (requires subscription to monthly service (a number of downloads per month depending on subscription tier) and, if you already have a large collection of samples/loops, it is probably not too appealing Of course, some of these can do more than sample management.
  17. ... and $1 gets you Home Design 7 (for me, the rest is overkill ?)
  18. This weekend - House: Minimal Blast Part 2 $4.99 for the commercially licensed option (or $2.99 for the non-commercial) https://producerplanet.com/us/article/minimal-blast-part-2-1944/?license=commercial_unlimited This soundpool contains all loops from 'Minimal & Deep House Vol. 9' of 'Soundpool DVD Collection 17' (not available in commercial version)
  19. Been there, done that! ? I used an HP Reverb G2 and the app Bigscreen Beta, which projects my desktop on a "gigantic theater-like virtual screen". With the goggles on I couldn't see the keyboard but, at a point in my workflow when I was doing primarily "mouse work" it actually worked pretty well (maybe better than my HD monitor, but probably not as good as a large 4k, which I don't have)
  20. "to immerse you into the actual atmosphere of the '80s. To do that, Strix Instruments went to the Chernobyl exclusion zone - the only place on Earth that doomed forever for 1986. Exploring the radioactive streets and buildings, Strix Instruments collected some special Impulse Responses collection for Convolution Reverb. ?
  21. https://producerplanet.com/us/article/soundpool-platinum-bundle-24164/?license=commercial_unlimited $39.99 (or $19.99 for non-commercial) The bundle includes: Blockbuster - Complete Bundle Dark Zone - Complete Bundle Garage House Heavy Bass - Part 2 Jazzy Feel - Complete Bundle Los Angeles Chillout Radio - Complete Bundle Mother Nature Mystic Dreams Peak Time Rock Show Smash Hits Smokey Light - Complete Bundle Suncity State Beats - Part 2 Too Hot - Part 2 Very good price (90% off, compared to Weekend Wannabee/Advent sales at 75% off), even better if you have a $20 voucher left from the Fanatical.com bundle last year
  22. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html From Dirk's perspective, rather than celebrating a 51st birthday, a 49.99th birthday is more fun Code: HAPPY49 Can be used multiple times. Expires April 22 - 11:59 pm PST Exclusions: ADPTR Audio Sculpt, ADPTR Audio Streamliner, bx_console AMEK 9099, bx_console SSL 9000J, KNIF Audio Soma EQ, Unfiltered Audio TAILS, Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Class A (Red), dearVR PRO, dearVR MONITOR, Gig Performer 4, Black Box HG-2MS I'm not really sure why I need yet another eq and a lo-fi tape effect but I just got Neold Warble and Amek EQ 200 for $24.99 after using the $25 monthly loyalty voucher
  23. This sale complements their latest remix contest https://www.eventideaudio.com/open-my-eyes-remix-contest/
  24. I did contact Koby and actually he made the code work directly in their checkout page! I got the Nx Germano Studios for $22.99 From the point of view of usefulness it's probably better having just one Nx studio and "learning it" but, the fun factor of "imagine yourself at ..." makes it worth having more at this price
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