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Everything posted by carlo

  1. Hi Cakewalk friends, There used to be a tool for deleting silence audio segments when there was no sounds going on and it was used to save space, memory and CPU processor but I can`t remember the name of that function and can`t find it here on new Cakewalk by Bandlab. Any help? Thank you
  2. Yeah! It worked! Thank you very much! Something is different now in this Bandlab Cakewalk version! I have never used CTRL+SHIFT+A before and have worked with tons of Sonar projects before! Really thank you to everyone that tried to help me! All the best
  3. Hi Cakewalk friends, Something very weird just happened here with Cakewalk by Bandcamp! After selecting all tracks and pointed the cursor to Bar 26 and ask for insert a new Time- Measure, a new measure was inserted in the first bar and not on that bar that I wished! I have tried several times without succes! Is there anything I am missing! Thank you
  4. Hi Cakewalk friends, Everytime I close and save a project it is showing the Synth Rack but when when I open it back the Synth Rack is gone and I have to re insert it by pressing Alt 9 buttons! Why my project is not saving all the GUI as it was before closing it? Thank you
  5. Thank you Cakewalk friends, I will check and try out the procedures. Best regards
  6. Hi all Cakewalk friends, I have updated Cakewalk last year and had some issues and fixed them with a hotfix repair action. Now I am running Cakewalk and a message tells me that there is a new update. Then I launch the Cakewalk Assistant in oreder to download it but it says that download failled and I need to download it manually. Ok I try to download it manually but nothing happens! No downloads, No Updates! Is there a place at Bandlab site that we can directly download the updates without the needs for the Assistant please? Thank you very much!
  7. TTS is back working thanks to the new CBL update and Hotfix!
  8. Hi Cakewalk friends, After updating to the latest Cakewalk version the sound of all projects and vsti are dirty and noisy! I am using Focusrite Scarlett 2 Audio interface and had no issues before updating! I am still using my old Sonar Platinum with no issues and had to return to it in order to work! How to revert to my old Cakewalk Bandcamp version before this terrible update? Thx
  9. Ok. Thank you very much. If somehow I find a solution I will post here. Thx Best regards
  10. So you are telling me that both DAW use the same TTS-1? An old 2017 Sonar Platinum and a new CBL ? Really! Yes I have just installed Windows 10 and reinstall everything but I used to run both DAW on Windows 7 and my TTS-1 was ok. I have also changed my Interface! It used o be M audio Fast Track pro and now Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. Thank you very much but I will not reinstall both DAWs because of TTS-1 because I have many VSTis and it doesn`t deserve the work. I was just trying to play some General Midi staff. Do you know any General Midi Vsti I can use in place of the TTS-1? Thank you very much!
  11. No Scook, I am running both DAW in my computer and none is working with TTS-1. I have used TTS-1 a lot of time before but since I had to reinstall and upgrade my Windows OS to Win 10 I noticed this issue. So I am running also Cakewalk by Bandlab and TTS-1 is not working. It doesn`t load telling me: Failed to insert soft synth. The synth may be not properly installed Thank you for trying to help me.
  12. Hi Cakewalk friends, I am unable to load- insert TTS1 into my project! A following error message appears: Failed to insert soft synth. The synth may be not properly installed. I am running Windows 10 on a 64bit PC with Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface with the latest Sonar Platinum and also Cakewalk by Bandlab last version updated. I am using ASIO driver with 24bits/ 44.1Khz. Also my 24 bit field is greyed out and fixed so I can`t change it. Any Help? Thank you
  13. I am running Windows 10 on a 64bit PC with Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface and I have the latest Sonar Platinum and also Cakewalk by Bandlab last version updated. I am using ASIO driver with 24bits 44.1Khz. Also my 24bit field is greyed out and fixed so I can`t change it. Any help? Thx
  14. Hi Cakewalk friends, I am unable to load- insert TTS1 in my project! A following error message appears: Failed to insert soft synth. The synth may be not properly installed. Any help? Thx
  15. Thank you very much Scook! Sorry for my delayed answer to this topic! I forgot it! Best regards
  16. Yes! The issue is related to this locked module order and justified! As soon as I disabled it all control bars module went back to normal! I unchecked this option and now everything is closer to the left side. Thank you all for the support! Best Regards
  17. It is been like that for several days now! Everyday I start from an off computer and the issue is back again. To reset the CB I Right click on the Control bar > Options> Reset Control Bars Thank you
  18. Well, I have just checked and noticed that ALL projects (empty new and old) open with a messy control bar!
  19. Thx Grem, I mean a brand new project with nothing in it.
  20. Hi Cakewalk friends, Everytime I open a new project I have to reset the control bar because all bars are out of place! I open it with a basic lenses view! Then I need to reset control bars and everything goes to its place! Any help? Thank you
  21. Hi Bandlab friends, Recently I had to reinstall several vsti and everytime I had to enter their serials those keys used were directed and worked as a keybinding or shortcut for several GUI functions and I could not enter the serials numbers and letters correctly. I had to copy all serials to a wordpad than pasted to the vsti serial field input! It never happened before when used in Sonar. Is there anyway to deactivate those functions while entering serials numbers and letters? Thank you
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