I tried RC, and ponied up and purchased. Yeah, the UI is pretty terrible and not intuitive at all. It’s good example of why companies need UI designers and should leave the programmers to the under-the-hood stuff. Like anything, if you already know how it works, you may not see what the problem is. However, as someone coming in cold, it is pretty much a mess. Sadly, the online tutorials are slow, unfocused and torture to watch.
That all said, I love these type of plug-ins and have delved in to learn it. It is dang powerful and does some really cool stuff. I use Unity to get around Ableton’s limited VST MIDI routing capabilities and it works pretty well. (I have to do the same thing with Phrasebox.) I can already see me using some of the phrases in my EDM projects.
IMHO what keeps RC from becoming a monster hit is the poor UI and lack of quality tutorials. I suspect the former will never happen, but the latter might. I’d do some tutorials myself if I didn’t think I would just add to the pile of crap LOL