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Sylvain Martel

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  1. I have reset and rescanned many times while testing BitBridge and jBridge. Simply put : all of them. All my 32-bit VSTs crackle the same way with BitBridge, and it was identical with my previous PC and audio interface. I know it's not a plugin or system specific issue. The replies here convinced me to give jBridge another chance so I downloaded the latest trial version and just as before, some plugins worked fine, some froze and crashed (Korg MS20) and others displayed blank screens after a while (Native Instruments FM8). I'm giving up on this problem. I'm not in trouble, I still have 32 and 64-bit DAWs installed and I will use the respective plugin version for each one; I only wanted to make the switch to a 64-bit host while keeping my beloved old plugins but I now understand that there's no good and reliable solution for everyone. Thanks for your input!
  2. Thank you for your replies. I should have mentioned that I have already tried jBridge... In fact I spent several nights testing different plugins with it before finally resolving to abandon it, it was just too unstable to be workable. Some plugins worked fine with it but many others just froze when I tried to close their window, forcing me to kill Cakewalk. Changing jBridge options didn't seem to help either. If you search on other forums you will find about half of jBridge users stating that jBridge works perfectly with all their plugins, and the other half unable to use it because of constant crashes, like myself. It really seems hit and miss, go figure. ? But apart from other options (jBridge, switching to 64-bit plugin versions, etc.), I'm mostly intrigued with why BitBridge works so bad...! @msmcleod So what you're saying is that BitBridge was never designed/tested to work in real time...? And that the audio glitches are somewhat normal in that perspective?
  3. Hello everyone, I'm using the latest 64-bit Bandlab Cakewalk on Windows 10, and I'm getting a crackling sound when playing 32-bit VST instruments loaded via BitBridge in 64-bit SONAR, it sounds just like if the ASIO buffer size was set too low on my audio interface... But the 64-bit VST instruments sound just fine, the problem only occurs with 32-bit plugins loaded with BitBridge! My buffer settings are OK, the rest of the audio sounds good. Very important to note : I've had this same problem with multiple audio interfaces (Focusrite Scarlett, Steinberg UR), and also with my previous Cakewalk version, SONAR X2 64-bit. I tried fiddling with the BitBridge server configuration and plug-in properties but no avail, and frankly I couldn't see any setting that relating to latency. Please help!
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