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Mr. Torture

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  1. I came here to ask a legitimate question about a feature the software offers, just looking for some pointers and maybe some insight. I don’t know why you felt you needed to post this. Not only does it add no value to the thread, it’s disrespectful. Maybe you think you’re being funny or you are bitter. Don’t know, but please just avoid comments like this in the future. It’s old and not productive. Thank you for your response, it’s very helpful!
  2. So I have been playing around with audio snap, I assume this is what you use to perfectly align audio to the grid. Some things sound a bit wacky and stuttering, I assume it because I am snapping the wrong transients. Maybe it’s because I am trying to snap distorted guitars? The transients rarely land right on the beat and I know my timing isn’t that bad lol. How do you guys normally time guitars? Thanks!
  3. Is there a way to save a volume automation envelope so I can recall it and apply it within another session?
  4. How can I reset the view? It’s kinda messed up to where I cannot see to move velocity? Any way to just reset it back to default? thanks!!
  5. Never mind, I figured it out. Originally I posted where the themes were kept,
  6. I will try it again tonight and see if I can replicate it, take some screen shots.
  7. The other day I was trying to fix a slight off time guitar part, I went through the process and everything seemed ok, but when I went to finalize the process (Bounce to clips) the option was not there? The only way I could select bounce to clips was to shut off the audio snap? Which kinda defeats the purpose?
  8. What’s the best way to backup my program so it saves all my track templates etc? should I back up the entire c drive?
  9. If you have a send to a buss setup on a track with a reverb in the effect bin and you save the track as a template, will it save the buss & effect along with it?
  10. I have an Ilok usb drive with some licenses on it. Can I move all of them to the ilok cloud and remove the usb? If so, what's the easiest way to do that? Thanks!
  11. I have done a bit of reading and they say monitors are usually good for a maximum of 10 years. I cannot help but think after 23 years that they may not be operating at peak performance. Plus technology has eclipsed these monitors long ago.
  12. Realized that I posted this in the wrong section, if someone could move the "Gear" it would be appreciated. Thanks!
  13. I have a set of Mackie HDR824's, they are around 23 years old. I think it's time for an upgrade, was wondering what you folks thought about Focal products? Thanks!
  14. DC offset was unchecked. I opened a project with 4 guitar tracks and one instance of Superior drummer 3 (about 2 gigs drum kit) set buffers to 128 and it played back perfectly fine. here is what the engine was doing. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kcaDyp4ZmuY
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