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PAL Music

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Everything posted by PAL Music

  1. I've had the founders edition for about 3 years and about 3 weeks ago I noticed a crack on one side of the bands. I contacted support and got a new pair within 3 days. Slate definitely stand behind their products. The new model is quite a bit better build wise. V4 is a massive improvement, less phase in Howie's Room and the Zuma farfields are a pleasure to listen to, hearing stuff in references I never noticed.
  2. Yes, you are right , I probably should have tried it first. I just thought it was cool of him to do (If he had done it) but Its not something I would use anyway , at least not for something I was releasing. I figured it was such a long video and the GaragebandandBeyond guy did a video too, April fools keeps on giving LOL
  3. White Sea Studio just released his free online mastering service. I haven't checked out yet but kind of cool he is doing it.
  4. mon·ey grab noun INFORMAL an undignified or unprincipled acquisition of a large sum of money with little effort.
  5. Looks like the ID22 got a price drop to $279, that's a good deal even if it does require a power adapter to be plugged in.
  6. So you could get Gullfoss for like $84.49 (35% off BF) and Reso for $57 which is almost the same for just Soothe 2 on sale.
  7. I think after the IK extravaganza deal, I'm a little burnt out. Plus the bar for deals set and most of the deals I get emailed don't quite match up. Dang that reminds me, I still have selections to make.
  8. I know I'm late to the party but I just wanted to thank Larry for everything he does here. I know I've benefitted for I don't how many years.
  9. To click "remove from cart" at least 50% of the time instead of "purchase".
  10. I guess we will have to wait and see, but my first reaction was oh no not again.
  11. I've been waiting a long time to get the full version for a good deal and now it's on to the freebies. No more bumming out with player. Here I come Klang and Shreddage 3
  12. I guess I should have known better than to make, what was suppose to be a funny comment, that some would take offense. But the question does go begging. What do employees at a software development company do when you're not developing? Oh no, maybe I shouldn't have made this comment LOL. Before people get twisted I do like AD2 and still use it, all though these days I'm more prone to go EZ for ideas and Superior after. In the end I use whatever serves the song. Anyway there are bigger problems in the world other than software.
  13. It does make you wonder, except for XO bug fixes, what do the people working at XLN do all day? No AD3 or even a new kit in I don't know how long.
  14. $19 is a steal, I've seen mixed reviews on this one,. If your looking for a modern amp sim this is not for you. If you are looking for a vintage plexi sound, it sounds good to me, and like the real amp it does take some tweaking. I noticed the mic selection makes a big difference, liked the 57 and the 609 but I didn't like the 87 it sounded boxy. Anyway just my opinion
  15. Best Service Mothers Day Sale $99 https://www.bestservice.com/studio_one_5_professional_upgrades.html
  16. No problem here, because there is no need to update what hasn't been updated
  17. Me neither,I can't believe how deep this EQ goes in different parameters. It was either this or Soothe 2. but Soothe just seems like something I don't need unless I get some really crummy tracks.
  18. So far just FabFilter Pro-Q 3 -$120 (at JRR) Thanks Larry Not a BF deal but I did get Slate VSX on the rent to own program. Love it, hearing stuff in songs I've never heard before. Lol I even got the Pro -Q3 with Paypal 4 payment option for my own rent to own program. So just $39 Vsx and $30 for Pro Q 3
  19. It looks interesting enough , but anytime I see "Lifetime" I give pause
  20. Oddly, all the ones i want are on the excluded list
  21. Hey, does anyone know what the difference is at everyPlugin for the upgrade to assistant? One is Upgrade from Melodyne essential (all versions) is $70.30 and another is Update from Melodyne assistant (earlyer versions) is $43.40.
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