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PAL Music

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  1. I've had the founders edition for about 3 years and about 3 weeks ago I noticed a crack on one side of the bands. I contacted support and got a new pair within 3 days. Slate definitely stand behind their products. The new model is quite a bit better build wise. V4 is a massive improvement, less phase in Howie's Room and the Zuma farfields are a pleasure to listen to, hearing stuff in references I never noticed.
  2. Yes, you are right , I probably should have tried it first. I just thought it was cool of him to do (If he had done it) but Its not something I would use anyway , at least not for something I was releasing. I figured it was such a long video and the GaragebandandBeyond guy did a video too, April fools keeps on giving LOL
  3. White Sea Studio just released his free online mastering service. I haven't checked out yet but kind of cool he is doing it.
  4. mon·ey grab noun INFORMAL an undignified or unprincipled acquisition of a large sum of money with little effort.
  5. Looks like the ID22 got a price drop to $279, that's a good deal even if it does require a power adapter to be plugged in.
  6. So you could get Gullfoss for like $84.49 (35% off BF) and Reso for $57 which is almost the same for just Soothe 2 on sale.
  7. I think after the IK extravaganza deal, I'm a little burnt out. Plus the bar for deals set and most of the deals I get emailed don't quite match up. Dang that reminds me, I still have selections to make.
  8. I know I'm late to the party but I just wanted to thank Larry for everything he does here. I know I've benefitted for I don't how many years.
  9. To click "remove from cart" at least 50% of the time instead of "purchase".
  10. I guess we will have to wait and see, but my first reaction was oh no not again.
  11. I've been waiting a long time to get the full version for a good deal and now it's on to the freebies. No more bumming out with player. Here I come Klang and Shreddage 3
  12. I guess I should have known better than to make, what was suppose to be a funny comment, that some would take offense. But the question does go begging. What do employees at a software development company do when you're not developing? Oh no, maybe I shouldn't have made this comment LOL. Before people get twisted I do like AD2 and still use it, all though these days I'm more prone to go EZ for ideas and Superior after. In the end I use whatever serves the song. Anyway there are bigger problems in the world other than software.
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