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Iron Keys

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Everything posted by Iron Keys

  1. When I checked the control panel for that stuff all of it was/is disabled. The weird thing is, (well, the weird thing is the main issue) but what's also weird is I originally downloaded asio4all because I assumed I'd need it for headphone use -- this has been true for all past DAW I used including Sonar. However, if I switch to ASIO4ALL driver the option for the "HD Audio Headphone [WaveRT]" doesn't show as an output option. I will try see if I can get headphone up with those other driver modes, however it doesn't explain why it works fine in the existing projects. Re saving exiting projects as a template... I had considered this (or simply considered deleting all the stuff and working from scratch each time at risk of saving over my project ?) However, I think you may have inadvertently (or deliberately) stumbled on am obvious troubleshoot step... I will try this and see if there is any difference... I'm expecting the problem to persist tho, as those existing ones are made from my templates.
  2. Yeah thanks I quickly realised this after posting and still poking around in the DAW. I don't think it will be this as it's happening in empty project vs not happening in a project with synths and verb all in. I'll check it again anyway.
  3. Nope, it's not this either. There's no discrepancy there. ? Really appreciating the help, you lot! Really hope to figure this out. I don't know what angers me more; the fact there's always got to be something wrong, or the fact it seems to make no logical sense.
  4. There are no plugins or effects etc active. It also seems to mainly only effect low end tones... I can play a kick or Tom or bass or any low end element of a sound will cause metallic robotic distortion andbugginf. However, if I open an existing project with exactly the same audio settings this does not happen at all. This doesn't make any sense and is really starting to P me off.
  5. Not quite sure how to do this? And what would I be looking to discover by doing this? In existing project i can set the master out to the headphone output and zero problem.
  6. Yeah it's straight to the master bus and straight to the out. See if I route it to a bus and then the master. I'm using exactly the same template for my new project as I used in the existing ones. So the result should be the same from both. I'm opening a an empty project no sends no effects. Just straight to master bus and headphone output. I even tried adding new synth in existing project to see if it was something to do with how they're loading and routing etc. It works completely fine in existing project. Distorts in New project with (what seems to ve) exactly the same setup
  7. Thanks for the suggestion, just tried it but unfortunately problem still persists. I also noted it stayed at 44.1khz anyway. Also need to add I noticed it's saying 16bit next to that ... But it's saying this in both existing project which is fine and the new projects which are not.
  8. I don't get it... Open existing project... select headphone output... Audio is fine. Open new project... select headphone output... Audio is distorted.
  9. Yeah sorry, Cakewalk by BandLab is what I'm using! My actual soundcard is the MAudio Delta 2496. I'm using WDM/KS driver mode. Both Cakewalk and the pc audio is 24bit and 44.1k I have downloaded asio4all (as previously in old versions this was the only way to get the headphone output to show) however, I think the headphone output mentioned only shows when using the settings I've just listed. Other notes: I can't seem to find a device/soundcard that relates to the headphone port... I can adjust sound levels and other things but the computer says there is no relevant/needed driver for the headphone device.
  10. Yeah I said in the initial post there's no visible clipping in the DAW. Neither in the synths themself or the console.
  11. I'm aware they're not really suited, however the thing is... when I load up an existing project in Sonar, and select the headphone output the sound is coming out fine. When I start new project and select headphone output it's coming out distorted. The headphone output is working in existing project in sonar but when I start a new project it distorts.
  12. So I've recently decided (the music bug is biting me) to start making music again, but due to circumstance need to use headphones. (Can't have bass drums knocking out of my monitors at 3am) Problem: distorted sounds in headphone playback in Sonar... Details: plugging headphone into PC headphone jack it pops up a box and says device disconnected etc... anyway i can select HD Audio Device on the output and the sound plays through headphones... If i open a new project, and select the HD Audio Device RT and play sounds they come out really distorted (audio not clipping) but sounds horribly distorted. If I open an existing project and select the HD Audio Device, the sound is completely fine... I've checked the settings in preferences (from new project and existing project) of the devices and playback and they're identical. I really can't figure out why the sound is distorting in a fresh project but not existing projects when using the headphone jack output selected as HE Audio Device RT. Please help. Note: in all situations crackling n buzzing of the computer can be heard in the headphones... But sound from YouTube, and everywhere else plays back fine.
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