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David Baay's post in FX in audio tracks was marked as the answer
Unless you're using Aux tracks, FX in a track FX bin will affect only that track while FX in a bus FX bin will affect all tracks that pass through the bus. If you aren't seeing FX bins in tracks, you might need to enable them via the Track Control Manager at the top of the tracks pane and/or by switching to the Advanced or 'None' Workspace from the default Basic if this is a new installation, or just drag the tracks pane wider to reveal them.
David Baay's post in Change start time of multiple MIDI events was marked as the answer
- Select the controllers in the Event list by swiping down the left edge of the list.
- Switch to the Track View and enable Snap at a 1/4.
- Drag the partial clip highlight in that track to 2:04 and drop it.
David Baay's post in Saving of TTS-1 presets is not successful. was marked as the answer
After you Write the preset to the User bank, click the instrument name again and choose Save Bank.
Save the .GMN file with an appropriate name.
Note, however, that CbB does not automatically reload the saved bank file when you re-open the project. The instument assignment will have been save independently in the project, but if you want to load presets from the saved bank to another channel or change the instrument assigned to the current channel using some other preset in your custom bank, you will need to manually Load the saved file into the current session.
David Baay's post in TTS 1 Tracks Limitation was marked as the answer
TTS-1 has only 4 indpendent audio outputs.
David Baay's post in Disagreement Between Staff View and PRV was marked as the answer
I can repro that. Developers likely did not consider the possibility of drones that long when writing or testing the code. Staff View issues are hard to get addressed so you might just need to keep that new-found awareness in your back pocket for future reference.
David Baay's post in When switching HP on in ProCh. EQ I get boost in volume - a bug? was marked as the answer
I'm not saying you shouldn't worry about it; I'm just saying it's not a bug. Any time you apply processing to a signal, especially anything not designed to have linear phase response, you need to watch the level of the output. Try a different EQ that's not linear phase, and you will likely get a similar result.
A quick Google found this:
David Baay's post in Problem with Piano Roll Snap To was marked as the answer
Snap 'By' instead of 'To' enabled for PRV snap?
Or the Snap to MIDI Events button is enabled?
David Baay's post in How to make a split point between two or more instruments in cakewalk? was marked as the answer
Insert the Event Filter MIDI FX in the bin of each MIDI track with appropriate min and max 'key' settings. Keep in mind that the default octave numbering in Cakewalk designates Middle as C5:
David Baay's post in Clavinova recording from aux out - muted by cakewalk? was marked as the answer
Sounds like Cakewalk is sending MIDI Master Volume (CC7) , lowering the output level from the Clavinova that resets when you power cycle it. By default, the Volume control in a MIDI track will be disabled as indicated by parens around the default value of (101). Moving the volume widget will immediately enable it and the new value will be sent every time the project is launched, and every time playback is started. I usually set Volumes to 127 on all MIDI tracks driving external hardware to start, and only lower it if the resulting input level is clipping.
David Baay's post in Colored clip backgrounds was marked as the answer
You can selectively change clip foreground and background colors in the clip propertie section of the Inspector. You can also adjust default track colors in Preferences. It's been a long time since I messed with this so I'm not sure how those assignments interract with Themes. As I recall, the last time I used custom colors, I had to edit them in X2 and import them because Platinum had eliminated access to some color settings. Clip backgrounds may have been among those.
At a certian point, I decided to just settle for the default Mercury scheme, and choose a specific track color from the picker in the track pane when I need better visibility for some a specific track.
David Baay's post in Can I navigate to 500 milliseconds before a transient? was marked as the answer
See post 23 in this old thread for how to set up CAL files to allow "nudging" the Now Time at any desired tick resolution with keybindings:
You'll need to calculate how many ticks in 500ms at your current project tempo as 8 x Tempo (e.g. 800 ticks at 100bpm).
David Baay's post in Track View Meter Options was marked as the answer
Selecting a range by right-clicking a meter overrides the default you have set in Options. Reselecting that default (or a new one) should reset any meters that have had the default overriden.
Working here.
David Baay's post in Newbie - No Sound On Track Playback was marked as the answer
Things to check:
- Zoom drivers installed and Zoom is set to Interface mode in its menu system.
- Appropriate driver mode selected in Preferences > Audio > Playback and Recording (not sure what Zoom R8 supports)
- Zoom I/O ports are available and checked in Preferences > Audio > Devices.
- Zoom drivers are selected as Playback and Record Timing Masters in Preferences > Audio > Driver Settings.
- Track meter shows signal.
- Track outputs to Master bus.
- Master bus outputs to Zoom and meter shows signal.
- Monitors are connected to Zoom outputs and powered up.
David Baay's post in Won't save settings for individual midi files was marked as the answer
Vel+ (a.k.a Velocity Offset, a.k.a. MIDI Gain) is a Cakewalk feature not supported by MIDI files. The offset will be applied destructively to the velocity of MIDI events in the saved .MID file, such that when you re-open it in Cakewalk, it will sound like it did before saving, but Vel+ will be back to 0.
If you want to save that, and other project settings, save as a .CWP project file instead of - or in addition to - .MID.
David Baay's post in Is it possible to delete a project track without opening the project? was marked as the answer
No, but you can open a project in 'Safe Mode' by holding Shift when you open it, allowing you to choose which plugins, if any, get loaded.
David Baay's post in Metronome count in default on record was marked as the answer
Start a new project, enable the count-in, and then Save As, change the file type to Template, navigate to the Project Templates folder in Cakewalk Content and save over the existing template file or as a new custom template with a new name.
David Baay's post in Why does Basic lens view no longer show Volume, Pan and Vel? was marked as the answer
I don't know what the default is for the Basic Workspace, but it looks like I/O is selected in the Track Control Manager at the top of tracks pane. Change it to Mix or All to see Vol, Pan and Gain/Vel+.
David Baay's post in The tempo won't change the entire song was marked as the answer
Tempos persist until a different one is encountered. Go to Views > Tempo, and you will find other tempo entries that need to be deleted. Superfluous tempo entries often result from copy-pasting clips with tempo changes included in paste options.
David Baay's post in Playing multiple intruments at once was marked as the answer
Whether using a multi-timbral synth or multiple single-instrument synths, to layer two soft synth sounds you just need to enable Input Echo on the two MIDI or Simple Instrument tracks outputting to the two synths or channels of a multi-timbral synth. By default, Cakewalk auto-echos the focused track, but you can force echo to stay on when a track is not in focus simply by clicking the input echo button - looks like ))).
David Baay's post in What happened to these clips? was marked as the answer
This will also happen when Punch recording with Mute Previous Takes enabled. In either case, swipe through the upper half of the clip with the Mute tool as Mark mentioned to unmute them.
David Baay's post in MIDI Volume & Pan not applied at start of playback was marked as the answer
Just to minimize the number of possible variables, I would start by disabling 'Always Echo Current MIDI Track in Preferences', and set all the MIDI track inputs to None.
Then make sure you have a forced output Channel assigned on each MIDI Track, and that the MIDI clips themselves contain no Pan or Volume controllers (CC10 and CC7, respectively).
Incidentally, why not update to the latest 19.10 release?
David Baay's post in Create New Lanes On Overlap: what if I don't? was marked as the answer
It's kind of a superfluous option. For the most part, CbB does not allow same-lane overlaps, but there are some bugs that will let it happen, and you'll see more of them if you don' keep that option checked.
David Baay's post in Need to bounce pan envelopes ...... was marked as the answer
Bounce to track with automation means to render the automation destructively into the audio file. Obviously, a mono clip/file can't contain stereo panning information. You'll have to change the Channel Format in the bounce dialog to Stereo.
David Baay's post in Recording Mode was marked as the answer
Yes templates save the record mode. If you're just doing Ctrl+N to start a new project, and you haven't set a different template as the default, then CbB will be using the Normal.cwt template. You can either change the record mode and immediately re-save the new project as Normal.cwt, or save it as a another template name and set that as the default for new projects (click the star icon in upper left corner of the template under the New Project section of the Start Screen).