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  1. Kurre's post in SOLVED: How to Split Keyboard to Play 2 or More Instruments? was marked as the answer   
    *Disclaimer - i've never felt the need to split the keyboard.* - I used 15 minutes to google it and edit the findings, this is the first things a came upon.
    MIDI Polysher is a free VST plugin
    -With multiple instances of MIDI Polysher loaded into your DAW, you can create "zones" and control several instruments from a same MIDI keyboard (or controller).
    For example, you can link the upper keys of your master keyboard to a virtual piano plugin and the lower keys to a virtual bass instrument but there is more you can do with it.
    There's synth plugins that can split the keyboard.
    "Assigning MIDI Controllers to Xpand!2 Controls"
    In addition to pre-assigned MIDI controllers (such as Sustain Pedal and Volume), you can
    assign MIDI controllers to parameters within Xpand!2 for automation or real-time control from
    a MIDI keyboard or control surface.
    Please see your DAW's reference manual or other documentation to learn how to do this.
    Could be beyond your skill set, as you mentioned but it's doable.
    I love Xpand!2 and recommend it even without using kb split functions.
  2. Kurre's post in Splitting multiple midi notes in half was marked as the answer   
    No longer hosting these "Break note(s) into 2/3/4.cal"
    They where originally released by X.E.L. OHH
  3. Kurre's post in Melodyne trial period? was marked as the answer   
    This was a test and doublecheck. It is shut down after 30 days.
    Seeing all this posts that tell you to use Melodyne when in reality you do not have it. Because it has shut down. Made me wonder if there was a secret password or something...
    Since i haven't received any pm with the password i asume it is people that can't understand how a person can be so poor that it can't afford certain software.
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