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  1. I had similar problems with an M-Audio Oxygen49 Gen 2 keyboard. The unit would disconnect, usually when I was doing something important, or else it would be sending midi messages which I had not instigated, such as putting VST synths out of tune. The midi events would appear in Cakewalks event manager. The little red LED screen on the M-Audio was also flickering. In my case they were caused by a failing USB port on the rear of the unit and Win 10 not using the unsigned drivers which originally came with the machine. So I ordered some new midi ports as they are cheap and there are similar ones on many midi devices I use (printers and scanners etc.) so now I have some spares. Take the midi keyboard apart and unsolder the port from the board. Solder in the new one. Reassemble the unit. This step was important also, mainly to avoid using the generic driver which comes with Win 10. Set Win 10 to allow unsigned drivers to be installed. I used the method shown here https://www.howtogeek.com/167723/how-to-disable-driver-signature-verification-on-64-bit-windows-8.1-so-that-you-can-install-unsigned-drivers/. Reboot and then install the last M-Audio driver released for that unit, following the instructions as to when to plug in the M-Audio unit so the system will recognise it from now on. Turn back on driver signing and reboot with the M-Audio plugged in. Started Cakewalk and all has worked fine since. Dodgy/worn USB ports on the rear of the M-Audio are known to cause problems. There are some good instructional videos on You Tube on how to swap them out. The fading LED screen on the M-Audio unit is still a problem with me (but at least it is brighter now) but if I can find a replacement part I will have a go at replacing that also.
  2. Re Melodyne, scook is right. You can do it that way or if Melodyne is just sitting on a clip as FX then you can right click that clip and select "bounce to clip". That means you get a clip with Melodyne rendered into it and the little FX button in the top right hand corner of the clip will no longer be there. Your other question about removing devices. I do not know a way offhand of determining in advance what effect removing a device will have. All I know is that if you plug the device some time later and are connected to the internet at the time, then Windows will go off and find the drivers for it.
  3. Some studios disable bluetooth and wi-fi also when working with a DAW. I can't find the article now but it convinced me to get in the habit of switching them off when using CBb. Known as Airplane mode on Win 10. I have no idea if it is helping in any way but it is so easy to switch on and off as needed.
  4. Well having a Focusrite USB driver and a Microsoft certainly didn't help at our end. You are looking in the right place. Getting rid of the Microsoft one (permanently) had an immediate effect. Make sure it doesn't reload when you reboot. Disabling it might not work as it may not remove the registry entries, deleting it completely might. As far as I can recall it did not happen right after the Microsoft update. It just crept in over time and was traced back to that extra Microsoft USB driver after a lot of investigating on our behalf. The Focusrite midi driver is fine so you can leave that alone. If you go to this website, the guy does a great piece of free software for permanently removing USB devices from a PC. I used that to remove the Microsoft Focusrite USB driver permanently. It might not be your problem but at least you can rule it out as an issue. https://www.uwe-sieber.de/ Note that we have had to reinstall the complete Focusrite setup a few times over the years. So uninstall the Focusrite control panel, that should remove the USB driver also but check it is gone. Then reboot and reinstall the lot again. Open CBb and set up ASIO. Another thing worth trying, and I see someone (msmcleod) has mentioned read ahead plugins above also, is to open the project, do not hit the play button but hit the big FX button in the control bar to switch off global FX. Then save the project (or make a copy by "saving as" using a different name), close down CBb, reboot and reopen it. I say reboot because it is the best way to make sure all the plugins are no longer using RAM. Open the copy of the project and play it. That way no FX will be used from the start until you re-enable them. If the song does not slow down then the issue lies with a plugin somewhere. Melodyne does weird things with us and always has. If you use it then render the clip immediately so the plugin is no longer running. Do that for all the instances of Melodyne which are running. We found this beneficial also in that it stopped certain projects becoming corrupted on a regular basis. So use Melodyne, bounce to clip and then move on is the way we work these days. There are loads of other things which may cause weird audio issues. I just remembered we had a problem with the audio drivers for our Nvidia graphics cards also. Disabling them sorted it. I have no idea why these should interfere with CBb but they did, especially after updating the OS. So we keep them off our systems now. We have had Nvidia graphics drivers cause issues also. Trying a different one usually sorted the problem. What storage capacity has your solid state hard drive got by the way?
  5. Have had similar issues before with some projects but haven't had the problem since changing a number of things. There are 2 things which worked for me depending on the projects complexity. One was to make sure I had the right USB driver for the 6i6. It turned out I had two drivers. One was the original Focusrite one and the other one was a Microsoft released one (called Microsoft Focusrite USB driver) or something like that which came in with a Win 10 update. Look in device manager and see what you have. Once the Microsoft one was deleted and I restarted the PC then all was fine with the offending projects. So Cbb may have been using the wrong driver for the 6i6 or getting confused? I am unsure what was happening but all I know is that it sorted a load of issues for me, including that slowing down. Also make sure you have the correct driver for the 6i6. They were made as a 1st generation and a 2nd generation sound card and it is best to have the correct driver installed for the generation you have. Have a look at the Focusrite site to determine which generation sound card you have then check top make sure you have the correct USB driver for that generation. The second thing which worked when audio behaves oddly with the 6i6 was to have a look at the ASIO control panel for the soundcard. I have my buffers set in CBb to 512 all the time, same as you. In CBb go to Edit>Preferences>Audio>Driver settings and click on the ASIO panel button. This will open your Focusrite Control panel. If it doesn't then there is your problem (wrong driver!). If the Focusrite panel opens then go to settings and change the buffers there. Try a few different settings. 5ms works most of the time for me but sometimes I have to change it to 7ms or even 10ms on very complex projects. See which works best for you or if it makes a difference at all. You may have to close the project and reopen it to notice any beneficial effects of doing this. See if any of these things help and let us know.
  6. Great to see someone else getting this same waveshell error message. You are not alone. Two changes in the default preferences sorted that for us. Scanning vsts within the sandbox (also in preferences) got rid of that annoying wavshell error message. Then also in preferences, turning off the dithering brought stability to the project. You can always dither when exporting. I never got a satisfactory answer as to why turning off dithering in preferences made a difference but we have never got that waveshell error message since turning it off and lots of other instability issues went away also. As a rule now we only scan vsts when a new plugin is added.
  7. I totally agree that the topic was Windows update changes. I also agree that people rarely switch back and forth between a local account and a Microsoft one, especially us more savvy DAW users. I build and maintain audio PCs and laptops for friends so have come upon this issue of the actual Windows update causing a reversion to a Microsoft account on a few occasions. I was in touch with Microsoft about it when I first noticed it and they said it shouldn't happen but suggested that the Windows update catalog on a PC can become corrupt and the PC can revert to a Microsoft account to get the correct updates. So I ran one of their pieces of software for repairing/ replacing it on the offending PC at the time and the issue has never arisen since on that particular PC. Just an obscure issue but worth keeping an eye on then. Hey these DAWS are only as good as the OS they run on and how well it is maintained.
  8. Sorry I think we need to clarify this, "and has nothing to do with the user ID". Lets leave the Microsoft updates out of the equation for the moment because we know they can cause this type off issue as abacab correctly stated. Changing from a Microsoft account to a local account most certainly can cause this issue of plugins needing to be registered again also and it all depends on whether you installed your VSTs under a Microsoft account or a local account in the first place I think! It is to do with permissions.... a mind boggling Windows invention. Note this: A day or two after the latest update, switching from a Microsoft account to a local account disabled our copy of Addictive Drums instantly on the studio PC along with a couple of Izotope plugins. Just re register them and we were fine. These same plugins worked fine after the update with us. It was changing to local account which de-registered them. So all we were offering here was another reason for plugins needing to be registered again. It seems Windows update caused the original problem for dotonemanband and that's fine as he has it sorted now. But.....what we found was another reason for this issue and it should not be so easily dismissed, with all due respect to those who have posted on this, as it may sort the issue for other people. After all we are trying help people sort problems and all "cures" should be taken into account.
  9. However, in our case, flatten comp works fast and with no errors if the Gobal FX is turned off beforehand. So too many plugins being used I would say in our case?
  10. Are you guys running Win 10 and if so are you logged in on a local account or on a Microsoft account? Our studio PC had somehow reverted to a Microsoft account recently and we had this problem with a few plugins. It took me a while to notice it had changed over as I had arrived when it was already booted up and being used. My home PC, with exactly all the same plugins etc is on a local account and has had no such issues. I remember switching it to a local account as soon as I installed Win 10 and have never had to re-register anything since then. I also made sure that all audio, midi and Daw connected software had full write permissions and changed the ownership to me! Write permissions are crazy on a Microsoft account. Worth having a look at I think.
  11. I have just tried the flatten comp method. The same problem. CBb crashes with a not responding message on the title bar. An audio engine has stopped message. I cannot switch it on again. Closing down CBb in the task manager has produced a "Save project message" so that is progress ?. When I reopen CBb the comp file is there and plays perfectly. So at least I do not have to restart the computer any more either.
  12. Billy86 and Larry Jones. I am having the same issue. Trying to bounce vocal audio clips (ours are in different take lanes on one track) to one clip crashes CBb for me also. Just two short 2-3 sec. audio clips with no FX on them but previously rendered with Melodyne. It just hangs and then CBb crashes. Sometimes it gives an "audio engine has shut down error" and the audio engine will not start again. I have to close CBb and restart it. The strange thing is, when I reopen it, that the clips I was trying to bounce are then visible, all bounced to one clip! When I go to bounce the next few small vocal audio clips then the same crash happens again. Previously I had bounced loads of synth and drum audio clips together at the start of a session in the same project with no problems in CBb. Just tried to bounce some guitar clips now and they bounce fine. For me, restarting CBb does not solve the issue. Restarting the computer does....until it creeps back in again over time. So the pattern here with us is that non Melodyne treated audio bounces fine but anything rendered with Melodyne does not after a certain period of time. Note that many of the non Melodyne rendered audio were also in take lanes so take lanes are not the issue here. I must try the suggestion to Flatten Comp that David Baay suggested. I will get back to you all and let you know if that sorts the problem. Again, if I try the same project and the same technique in Sonar Platinum, I have no issues. So is this a CBb and Melodyne related issue then? It seems everything which is not Melodyne related bounces to a clip just fine in CBb. I have been having so many issues with this latest release of CBb that I am constantly switching over to Sonar Platinum to get simple tasks like this done done.
  13. Interesting. I hadn't found that reference before when searching for this issue. So the way it stands with us now is this. In Sonar Platinum with Dithering turned on in the preferences all our projects load and play fine., (minus any new things added to CBb of course). In CBb with Dithering turned on in the preferences we get audio missing errors and corrupt audio region errors. In CBb with Dithering turned off in the preferences all our projects load and play fine. No errors. We still have not found out the reason for this but at least we have a workaround.
  14. We use one of the old wireless Tranzport surface controllers in the studio. It often takes control of certain midis especially if the batteries in it run low but we just change them, reset it in the midi preferences for controllers and we are back working in a minute. A great piece of gear that Tranzport, we couldn't do without it.
  15. This caught my eye "It's working properly in Sonar Platinum (just tested)." We were having completely different issues to you with projects becoming corrupt and missing audio error messages. Strangely all the project files which open with errors in CbB open perfectly in Sonar Platinum for us also, just like they do for you. You may have tried this but here goes. Deselect all your midi devices from CbB in Midi preferences, close CbB, physically unplug all your midi devices from the PC, plug them back in and restart CbB, Add them back in by selecting them.
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