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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. He left us orphans. This place just isn't the same.
  2. Out of all their trademark infringing names, this one is definitely the funniest, although I don't know if it was intentional or just a coincidence. Although once Spitfire came out with the actual Abbey Road Mrs. Mills piano library for $29 USD, that was the ultimate no-brainer for anyone going after that sound. I suppose you could say that Past to Future's name of this library reveals more about them than any of us ever wanted to know. Anyhow, here's an album cover for Mrs. Mills. I think it's inappropriate to call her that name they used, and she has long passed. But to each their own. EDIT: Past to Future changed the name of the library from "MRS. MILFS PIANO" to "Honky Tonk Piano," which, of course, killed the humor in my post.
  3. I downloaded and tried it so you won't have to, fully realizing that this developer is probably the most loathed developer I've seen at this forum, VI Control and KVR, regularly accused of pirating other developers' libraries and producing low quality libraries. As bitflipper shared above, this is NOT a sophisticated, detailed sample library; it's one patch that reminds me of a patch you might find on a 1990s synth workstation or a SoundFont library. Is it worth 7.61 GB for a single patch? I'd say absolutely not. There are much better xylophone freebies out there. I'll start with sharing this free wooden xylophone from Splash Sounds. It includes both mallets and sticks patches. https://www.splashsound.org/woodenxylophone.html
  4. Okay, I just watched this video -- the keyboardist I really talented-- and I have to say, the SoundPaint Wurlitzer electric piano isn't my ideal Wurli library, but there are some really nice presets. For $20 USD, I don't think I can resist.
  5. Man, the tangents we go on in this group. If any of us made a criticism, it would be so easy to find an incriminating screenshot pointing out the hypocrisy! I know I'm definitely going to be one of the last people to say anything, but holy cow... ?
  6. I'm so conflicted about Waves (danger: last time I weighed in and made an analogy I got attacked for it) due to their WUP. I own 30 of their plugins already and am hesitant to buy more. But I suppose I can do one of their trials. The three libraries I've pushed OTS to do over the years (going back more than 10 years!) are the Les Paul (check), the Hofner violin bass (no comment, but I soon will be) and the Wurli. I guess two out of three ain't bad, right? But man, if Greg could do a Wurli at the level of The Famous E, that would be amazing. Quick, does someone know where to find a Wurli that still works great? EDIT: I love that dude's playing (in the video).
  7. I grew up with a Wurli and from the two Wurli libraries you mentioned that I have -- the Scarbee one and the Decent Sampler one this thread is about -- I completely agree with your opinions. I wish you owned the SoundPaint Wurli so you could compare that one! It's twenty bucks, but I'm cautious with 8Dio libraries and I've never known anyone who's used that one and the demos aren't anything like rock or R&B, they're aimed at film composers, so I'm still waiting on that one, even though the price us sooooo tempting. But please, keep doing reviews. It's really useful to get the thoughts of people here.
  8. Like everything else from you, it's superb. This one gets pretty wild -- I really like that. Very creative and the playing and production is top notch. It's a treat to listen to your work.
  9. Another excellent track. Everything I've heard from you is extremely good. Kudos, once again.
  10. I've seen a lot of accolades for that library. I'm definitely going to be watching for sales. SonicCouture are superb. I created this thread because I was excited that this one was free and accessible to everyone, but if this turned into a thread with a bunch of recommendations on great Wurli libraries and plugins, no one would enjoy it more than me!
  11. Of course they could use software detection, but yes, the odds of getting on the radar of whoever they lifted the samples from may be small unless it's super distinctive and your song gets very popular. So, in most cases, it boils down to ethics. Do we steal if we can get away with it or do we operate ethically even though the odds are that we'd never get caught for engaging in intellectual property theft.
  12. I think overall, I greatly prefer the tuning and tone of Toontrack drum libraries to AD2 (not SD's pricing or awful customer loyalty failings -- referencing their pulling their upgrade pricing for customers of their flagship product). One area where I really find a profound difference is the toms. Toontrack is meticulous about their toms and most of the AD2 AdPaks seem like toms were really unimportant to them. They really miss in that area, with some exceptions, notably United Heavy, which sounds very 90s alternative rock.
  13. Oh the horror!!!!! (Of course, if we could just look at your purchase history, I'm confident we'd realize that you're kidding!) Back in the day, if I could switch kits for songs, I would use a brass deep snare on some, a standard 5 1/2" steel snare on others and a piccolo wood snare for effect. Nowadays, I just make a couple of clicks to change a drum or cymbal, but I still love physical gear and while a physical injury stopped me from playing, my basement is still filled with a lot of those drums. It's probably more than time to sell, I have pain after playing for less than a minute of playing 8th note ride and hi hat patterns sometimes, but it's really hard to part with that stuff. I digress -- but it seems the norm here anyhow!
  14. Yeah, I forgot about that library . It does sound very good and of course, it was produced by a legend. It's definitely worthy of picking up in a future sale.
  15. The reason I didn't buy that is because I already own Abbey Road 60s Drums and Toontrack's similar offering for that dry drum sound -- which I rarely use anyhow. But I like AR 60s Drums the best and have contemplated picking up 70s drums and their modern drums (I think that's the name).
  16. And what a track to be inspired by! I was just playing that video on our television again earlier this week. I love Playing For Change, it's such a great idea and so beautifully executed. Everyone plays great on this track, but the drummer, Stephen Perkins, lays down the beat with a great feel. Bonham would be proud. The first rock album I ever bought was Zeppelin III (when I was 5), so I've been a huge Zep fan all my life. Derek Trucks and Susan Tedeschi also gave amazing performances, although everyone did. On a related note, last week I picked up Majetone's Truck Drums 2 for under $15. I have a ton of drum sample libraries from NI, Toontrack, XLN, SSD, SR, Drum Drops... But no one has done a better job at getting that Zeppelin / Bonham feel the developer/drummer owner of Majetone. It's a KONTAKT library, but man, it is one of the most satisfying sampled drum kits I've ever played sound-wise (although that's only playing it on the keys, not my Roland V Drums; I actually don't like how the developer mapped the ride/crash cymbal on the same note or that it only has two ride Tom's, but the sound is so incredible, I can overlook that) and I felt like when I played it, I still sounded like me, not like a Bonham impersonator. Otherwise, the AD2 Mallets adpak is one of the few AdPaks that I don't own. I'd be interested in what you think of it. I didn't pick it up because I have a Superior Drummer mallet library I'm happy with.
  17. Oops, yeah, I meant the recently departed Alan White (I've been a Yes fan since I was a kid and Alan was also Yes' drummer besides doing a lot of studio work back in the 70s when he played with Lennon on songs like Imagine and Instant Karma). As far as using a famous artist's face and playing off his name, legally it violates international law intellectual property rights. It's why you find respected sample developers don't use an artist's name or likeness without their express permission. This is international intellectual property rights 101 and applies in just about every nation around the globe with the exception of North Korea. Years ago, ReFX found this out the hard way and was served with a C&D notice from Roland for using one of their brand names, I think it was Juno. I gave Michael Kleps, the founder, some advice on how to go forward and helped him rename the product. Very simply, consider that a celebrity's name is protected from being used for commercial use without their express permission. You can't legally call your product John Bonham Drums or John Lennon Guitar without a legal agreement with the artist -- or their estate, in the examples I just gave. I see this developer and his other business, regularly infringes on intellectual property rights and his copy about sampling commercial albums should be of serious concern, as you can't do that legally without licensing it. And that's really basic stuff anyone in the business should know. The site's copy literally states they sampled beats from old commercial record albums. Someone owns those rights and you can't legally record them and sell it, and if you buy those samples and use them in your music -- let's say you end up with a hit song. The owners of that recording your sample came from, say the record company and artist, have a slam dunk lawsuit against you, and you can expect that you're either going to be turning over alot or all of the money you made on that song to them. I'd share some stories, but I have an NDA stopping me from sharing a really great one. But it's as straightforward as what I explained.
  18. The only AD2 drum kit AdPaks that I don't have are the jazz kits, the R&B kit and United Pop and I'm contemplating getting United Pop but I'm just kind of okay with the demos. As a former drummer, I'm super picky about drums and cymbals and want them to sound close to how I tuned my drums and chose cymbals. Toontrack is always for more to my liking than AD2, but I'm still wondering if I should pick up United Pop -- one thing Ive found is that it's great to be able to change drums when I'm starting the mixing process; as after listening to a completed song I might find I've changed my mind about a snare, tom or cymbal and try other options. So more choices in that format are good. Does anyone who has United Pop and does rock music want to weigh in? I'd love to get some insights from someone that owns it.
  19. Thee John Lemmon from The Beagles with Dingo on drums??? While it's not quite as bad as using the artist's actual name, especially from a humor value perspective, from a legal perspective, it's still an intellectual property infringement as is using his image in your product marketing. Not that it's going to get on the radar of Lennon's estate. But if you ever got a C&D letter from Lennon's estate, just rename the product. Look to EastWest for a better way to do naming. They call their Beatles focused library package "Fab Four," which I take it, they researched and found they could use (although there's no guarantee on that research having been done). Also, the late Alan White was the drummer on that song you’re attempting to imitate in your demo.
  20. My mother was a piano/organ and guitar teacher and taught me piano and guitar and sent me to another teacher for organ, and another private teacher (who ended up being in a pretty famous band and has some gold records to show for it) for drums in addition to my school band teachers . I must admit, I found playing snare drum boring in the school band and loved it when I had the opportunity to play glockenspiel much more. But how much does it date yourself to say you took organ lessons? We had a baby grand, a Wurli electric piano, organ guitars, my drums, percussion, my harmonicas and other instruments around the house when I was a kid. It was a total musician's playground and when I got hold of a multitrack reel-to-reel recorder it was even more fun .Speaking of instruments really dating a person, while my brother's main instrument was guitar, he also took accordion lessons, and I think those are even more dated than organ lessons.
  21. KONTAKT is my go to sampler, and being a huge Wurli fan, I have contemplated whether to pick up 8Dio's Wurli KONTAKT library or their SoundPaint version, which is only $20 USD. If anyone has the SoundPaint version, I'd love to get their input.
  22. I love that old stuff, and also Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, The Beatles, The Faces, Queen, Pink Floyd... All Wurli users.
  23. I loooove the sound of the Wurlitzer electric piano AKA the Wurli. My mother was a musician and music teacher who worked for Wurlitzer and we had one in our music room growing up and I absolutely loved it -- and still love the sound of it today. Consequently, I own several Wurlitzer sample libraries and had to download this freebie when I came across it on Pianobook. Its creator calls it the WörliTzer. What I found is that the musician who sampled it did a really good job and there are several very nice presets. Even better, for folks who don't own KONTAKT and those on a tight budget, the library is formatted for the free Decent Sampler. So everyone can enjoy this. https://www.pianobook.co.uk/packs/wrlitzer/
  24. @stusmithmusicI think as long as you're disclosing it and not doing BS reviews, it's fine. Even better if you're also including deals where there is no affiliate marketing relationship. I'm in your Facebook group and always liked the way you operate. As I mentioned, I've led digital marketing at some large brands including affiliate marketing, and used to have a publication and major book deal where I wrote on such matters for marketing professionals leading these programs. So I certainly have opinions on the topic! Back when I was writing on this topic, I stopped short of writing a piece I contemplated on how affiliate marketing and influencers changed marketing ethics forever, in a very negative way. Every brand doing affiliate marketing spends a lot of money on people selling/shilling their products, it's reality. Brands have long been doing the same thing with major celebrities. For instance, for a movie or TV star, you give them a bag with $60,000 or more in gifts to hawk your brand goods and sometimes it might save you millions on product placement fees in movies (leading stars will get to demand a product they want is featured in a shot). These days every affiliate marketer, like the influencers doing YouTube "reviews," if they disclose affiliate marketing relationships at all, will always downplay their affiliate revenue and say it has no influence in their reviews or attention they give things, which is a complete lie -- if it is, reject the money. It has a major influence, and as you noted, one of the impacts is that little guys who aren't giving out cash don't get reviewed or listed at a deal site -- especially when their competitors offer affiliate money and the little guys don't. But I really wouldn't have gone down that path and shared my opinions so candidly if another deal site guy competitor to you didn't post in my thread that mentioned your group (and someone else then mentioned your site) to self promote and then harass and bully another forum member. That's a huge line in the sand for me. I won't sit by and allow people to be bullied. I'm in your deal group and you are consistently a class act who always has operated fairly, decently and in a kind manner towards others. I appreciate how you treat others, even more so since yesterday when I saw the behavior of one of your competitors. I'm not going to name him here, but he ended up sending me a bunch of PMs that nullified his mea culpa in my thread and I imagine I may be next on his list. So again, I don't think this guy would engage in that mean-spirited, ugly behavior if not for being motivated by making a buck. Unfortunately, greed brings out the absolute worst in some individuals and others can run a business and still maintain their ethics, which I believe is the case with you. Okay, sermon over.
  25. BTW, on a related note to the controversy that a user started in this thread, I think it's a major reflection of one of the things I greatly appreciated about Larry's deal threads. These guys are only in it for sales commissions for deals they post. So they're more focused on deals where they get a kickback (affiliate marketing $$$). Larry didn't use affiliate marketing links. Larry wasn't only showing you deals he made money on and ignoring or downplaying deals he didn't make money on as these affiliate sales deals and YouTube infuencer "reviewer" folks do; Larry didn't make money on any of those deals. He shared deals because he enjoyed doing so -- he enjoyed making this a really valuable community. And that is one of the major reasons I so greatly appreciate Larry. The guy who entered this thread just to bully Peter shares deals to make money. And there's nothing unethical about that, but his mean spirited bullying and attack mentality is, no doubt, a reflection of greed. Larry was only sharing deals to be a good and helpful member of the community and I think it's clear that he has been a great and incredibly important member of this community.
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