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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. Here's the link to the group I was referring to, if you want to confirm that's the one you're in. https://www.facebook.com/groups/plugindeals/?ref=share
  2. The comcern over a site making a commission from a sale isn't the key point I intended when I compare Larry to the deal sites. Allow me to explain once again. A deal site that is focused solely on making revenue from affiliate sales commissions. Its sole objective is to get you to make a purchase using its link so it can make revenue from you. It's not going to find the best deal among multiple retailers, it's only going to show you retailers that give them a commission for your sale and exclude those that do not -- so the universe of what your shown is very limited by the site owner's ability to get a kickback on a sale; most of these principles apply to influencers and the "reviews" they do -- which are mostly motivated by their ability to make a kickback on sales of the products they "review" but some of the smaller ones also do it partially so they can get free product (NFRs) -- of course, all of this means you're seeing a heavily biased view that's not working solely focused on your interests, but on their profit or benefit interests . On a related note, they're going to ignore the small developers that don't give them a kickback when you make a purchase; so they purposely keep the product universe limited to what they can score a kickback on and exclude competitors they don’t get a kickback on or feature small developers that don't offer them a commission on sales (the small devs without affiliate marketing schemes are generally ignored). They're also not going to bother keeping up with those little extra discount codes that Larry was so great at sharing -- unless they have a code that generates them additional affiliate revenue. So you often don't get the best deal among all product resellers. You don't get the extra discount codes and you often don't know about small devs selling direct that don't have an affiliate marketing scheme that gives these deal sites and influencers a kickback for promoting their products. Now, I'll probably use the deal site by the guy who promotes it on this forum, because it absolutely can be very useful; setting up a bot to watch price drops; well, I'm actually presently doing that. I'm just saying that there's a notable difference in how something curated by Larry works -- a guy with no interest in grabbing a kickback for what he shared -- and a business model entirely based upon creating revenue from people looking for sales information. I'm not discounting the latter, I have a long history leading digital marketing that includes leading affiliate marketing at major brands and writing and speaking on these areas to Fortune 500 managers. I just want to point out the difference and how valuable that service Larry provided was, not just to us, but to small indie developers that don't give affiliate kickbacks.
  3. I never recall seeing anything but praise for the Broken Wurli. SonicCouture is a great dev. If the library was more affordable, I would have picked it up.
  4. Okay, as I know a bunch if you, I picked this up! So what instruments do you guys like to use it on? I rarely use effects, but I'm ready to get more creative with them.
  5. Philip, no doubt it's because of your mixing abilities, but you have a fairly recent original instrumental song that you posted on SoundCloud where you told me you used that piano and it sounded great, better than I previously thought that piano sounded. Have you created your own presets? I think later I'll post a link to your song so others know what I'm talking about, because I have that piano, but you made it sound better than any of the presets. I thought you used a physical piano. I'd love to know what you did (e.g. a custom preset, reverb, etc), beyond wrote a really lovely song!
  6. Wow. Spot on. This could be an inflection point for many. I actually find Christian's post asking people to give their opinions about great specific types of libraries some of the most valuable threads I've seen in this forum. Yes, I've often fallen to GAS, but more than anything there's so many sample libraries and plugins out there that getting some insights from uncompensated fellow musicians who aren't influencers shilling for affiliate dollars, that's invaluable and also a great time saver. Maybe without Larry obsessively posting deals the character of this forum is changing. I'd love to see those great deal posts again, but Christian's threads getting so many people chiming in with their experience and insights, IMO, bring an even greater level of value to this forum, as it helps us to discern the best options out of a sea of choices.
  7. Acoustic Samples' Wurlie wasn't even on my radar until your post. I just checked it out and love the sound. While I am familiar with the dev, I've never bought anything from them. The demos sounded really, really good. I'm definitely going to put that on my watch for a sale. Thanks for sharing your list, everything on it is consistent with my own opinions.
  8. Well, you could say that! But we're a bunch of addicts. Larry was our enabler and chances are, we're going to find new enablers.
  9. I'd say the best alternative strategy is joining that Facebook group Larry and I are in. He reposted a lot of his deals from that group. But what he did better than anyone I know of was provide additional discount codes and sales from developers that don’t use affiliate marketing. However, that group and the music software deals site guy that post here doesn't share the codes or a lot of the deals from smaller devs because they're focused on making commissions off of your sale. They only show you deals where they get a kickback and exclude the codes and developers that don't give them a kickback.
  10. Dead serious, Christian. Larry made this forum great, overflowing with deals. I definitely miss his presence here, that's no secret. But I think your threads, getting everyone sharing their insights on libraries and devs they love adds another dimension to this forum beyond deals that makes it incredibly worthwhile. And yeah, while I was at that ballgame, I did check the forum, posted about the Wurli I used on a cover and still kept thinking about Wurlis!
  11. I have and love Embertone's Walker Lite. I should probably upgrade to the full version, but the lite version is so good I never felt the need to upgrade. I just got home from a ballgame with the family, but Christian made another thread that is totally of enormous interest to me and I have a bunch of character pianos I really am happy with and I'd love to learn about others. I'll be back with my favs. Although, off hand, one really quirky and wonderful character piano I love is Sound Dust's Ship's Piano. I'll update this with a link, but it's such a unique piano and has some weirdness to it I absolutely love. It totally sounds like something you could imagine Jon Brion using for a score and to me, that's Heaven. It isn't very expensive either. But the octaves are limited. It's not 88 keys, as it's a very old compact piano used to entertain the crew on a ship. It's magic to my ears.
  12. I actually used the KONTAKT factory library for Walrus with a ton of effects including a rotator speaker to simulate a Leslie. It actually sounded pretty cool and I will eventually redo some of the sloppy playing and improve the mix.
  13. Yeah, but it's 20 bucks for a really nice Wurly. I regret putting off getting it for so long. I did a demo for a developer that starts out with me playing a Wurli and if I would have had this one from SoundPaint I absolutely would have used it instead of the NI/Scarbee one I used. If you're really good with effects you could get close to what the SoundPaint presets with the Scarbee library (which I got with KOMPLETE), but the SoundPaint one just has a bit more character/bite and I like the SoundPaint player. There's a bit of blandness to the NI Wurli IMO and playing a Wurli as a kid, I found the instrument to be really responsive-- the farthest thing from bland dynamically. I like Rhodes electric pianos, but I completely love the Wurli.
  14. +1 for both of those developers. I am an old customer of both of them and used to have these really nice little chats with Stephen (Hollow Sun) many years ago. I did a cover of Gary Numan's "Cars" several months ago where I used the Stephen's/Hollow Sun's samples he gave away for free from the same model synths that Gary Numan used. You could still find those multisamples formatted for KONTAKT free at his site as of last year:
  15. After months of contemplation, I picked up SoundPaint's Wurli library last night. I had a chance to play it today and I really like it. IMO, it's a no-brainer for the $20 USD I paid. It has plenty of presets that cover the rock/R&B/blues sound I'm after but also some more unusual presets that I could also imagine using. I'd easily recommend it. And if you've never bought anything from SoundPaint before, a link popped up after my purchase that is a referral link where anyone that uses who has never purchased from SoundPaint before gets $15 USD off (and I get a $15 USD credit) on any library, not just the Wurli, so you can get the Wurli for $5 USD. This is the link (it expires on Oct 2, 2022): http://soundpaint.refr.cc/peterdelegge Here's a direct link to the library. Even if you can't get the $15 USD off to get this for $5USD. If you love the sound of the Wurlitzer electric piano, this is well worth having for only $20 USD. I'm not aware of another Wurli library this good for anywhere near the price. UPDATE: If you've already purchased from SoundPaint, you can use this code for a 15% off discount: THANKYOU15 https://soundpaint.com/products/1972-wurlitzer-electric-piano?variant=41456776970411
  16. Okay, my update on the SoundPaint Wurli I bought for $20 US. I like it. It's absolutely a good buy and a no-brainer bargain for $20. It has a couple of presets that are in the ballpark for the R&B sound I'm after, particularly a patch that's labelled aggressive is really nice. If anyone hasn't use SoundPaint before, you can pick the library up for $5 US. Check with cclarry for an affiliate link and you'll save $15 US on your first purchase.
  17. Yes, I tried live chat yesterday, no one was there and it turned into a support ticket. But I'm taking the family to a baseball game in a bit -- which I love -- but you can guess that at times during the game, my mind will drift to thoughts of that Wurli library! Sad, but true. EDIT: Problem solved. I needed to update my installation of SoundPaint. Downloading the library right now.
  18. The SoundPaint app automatically finds the library when it starts but when I attempt to download it says it can't find the file with the specified serial code. When I enter it in manually I get the identical error message. As I just click their copy code button and can see the cut and paste, I am certain it's pasted in correctly. It simply doesn't work for some reason.
  19. I completely forgot about e-instruments Electric W. I think I'm going to get that next sale. I do really like that dev. I have their upright piano library -- it has two uprights-- and use it regularly. SoundPaint still hasn't responded to my support ticket-- beyond their automated email reply. Stinks for an impulse purchase that now I won't even have time to try it maybe at all this weekend because their installer rejected their code.
  20. That GG Audio B3 sounded great. IK and GG both have product trials/demos, right? If you haven't already, I would definitely download the demo for each before making the decision. Although to be frank, as fantastic as the GG Audio B3 sounds, I would be a little uneasy about a plugin from an indie developer I was unfamiliar with. What happens if the guy can't make a good enough income and exits the plugin biz? What happens if he passes away? Sorry if that sounds dark, but that is the concerns I have when it's a small dev doing a plugin that keep me from spending too much. I mean, IK is a known entity, so there's little risk there. As much as I love small devs, I'm not as enthusiastic when it comes to plugins. If it was under $50 USD, I would be more inclined to take the risk.
  21. Gospel Musicians. I love the sound those guys get out of everything, but it's beyond my budget. I contemplate if I should spend anything at all more on music stuff, as it's just a hobby, nothing more. Of course, doing my first demo for a sample library developer is a new excuse to spend money! But I already made the demo and used the Scarbee Wurli, which isn't bad, it just isn't great. If I was better with effects, I'm sure I could get what I want out of it.
  22. Thanks for chiming in. Interesting, but definitely not the R&B kind of Ray Charles, Marvin Gaye, Beatles/Billy Preston kind of vibe I'm after. I just bought the SoundPaint library and will report back later (the installer didn't work so I contacted their support, completely ruining the moment of my semi-quasi, long contemplated impulse purchase.
  23. I just checked out their demo of the Wurli and it sounds great. If it was price individually and a detailed sample library (I don't know whether or not it is) and under $100 USD, I'd definitely be giving it serious consideration. But it's $250 USD for the package where the Wurli is one of many. keyboards and it's another plugin, I'm not biting I think those guys are good at getting the vibe I'm after. Consider that while my mother was a classically trained pianist and organist who taught music and played as a soloist, she also played in a rock and R&B band when I was a boy and she had a 10-12 year old version of me working out keyboard parts for Al Green, Bill Withers, Marvin Gaye and other R&B greats back then (because I could pick parts out by ear really quickly and play them), so I totally fell in love with R&B music, sounds, even though I spent two decades working as a rock drummer. For me, the absolute end all Rhodes I have is Orange Tree Samples' Famous E (disclosure, I've consulting to OTS and became friends with Greg, Mr Orange Tree himself, over the years, but I am hyper critical and would never praise any library insincerely -- I'm too ***** retentive for that; if I'm not crazy about the work of the products I've worked on that I've consulted to, I don't comment on those products). I've begged Greg to do a Wurli. But even if he does, that will take a long time before it's released and I really would love to have a great "deep sampled" Wurli that's not too expensive right now!
  24. Yeah, I remember when those guys came on the scene, they made this killer video of them jamming and everything sounded great. But no, I didn't find the Wurl library of my dreams yet. I could always spend $20 USD on SoundPaint's Wurli. @Simeon Amburgey You did a video I watched where you played SoundPaint's Wurli, but I don't recall hearing any patches that really sounded like they captured that kind of magic tone I'm looking for for the Wurli. I don't know how to describe it, but it's probably greatly R&B like Ray Charles got out of it and a little of what the Beatles got out of it (I think Billy Preston played on those parts). I have fiddled with effects on the NI Scarbee one. The first song I played after stopping playing for 21 years started with me jamming with the KONTAKT factory library patch with a bunch of distortion and a rotary speaker on it -- a cover of "I Am the Walrus" linked below (the Wurli is panned to the right) Of course, 21 years of not playing due to a repetitive stress injury causing lifelong tendinis that results in my getting pain after playing for a short periods combined with no practice all of those years isn't a formula for killer playing (I was going to do a really cool drum fill near the end of this song but I started having shooting pain, so just finishing was a challenge; I'm connected to one of my former drum teachers on FB and still hoping to have at least one song he says, "decent job" on -- it seriously is motivating me to keep pushing as I know he won't give false praise). And here's an under the radar announcement, I actually did a demo for an upcoming FANTASTIC sample library that I've waited more than a decade for. So the sample developer, who I've consulted to and become friends with, asked me to do a demo. That's coming out next week guys! I'm very excited, but yeah, no one is going to be impressed with my playing. I can promise everyone this, I didn't use an midi tricks, I played the parts in in real-time, improvised. If I can play it, so can you! And yes, I start out the demo -- I'll share it here later this week -- with a Wurli, it was the NI/Scarbee one.
  25. Okay, I downloaded the library and while I didn't like the sound of the ridiculous amount of reverb on the drums in the demo (trying to imitate the sound of Bonham playing with natural reverb in a room with stone), the drums, out of the box, sound very good and Bonham-ish. For a free library, I think this is excellent. I immediately started playing triplets, Bonham style after I heard it. Definitely a good one!
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