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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. Okay, BTP, you sure called that one. If anyone searches the forum, when SoundPaint first opened I predicted Troels would never be able to stick to their no sales policy. Last month he sent out 15% off codes via email stating that it still wasn't a sale and they also do the referral discounts. Just like Waves has trained everyone never to buy their plugins at regular price, 8Dio has taught sample buyers the same lesson.
  2. Sounds lovely and doing demos of Coltrane classics???? Wow. Coltrane is one of my all time favorite jazz artists. A genius. It would be fun to play with that instrument, no doubt, even though it would be challenging to pull off an authentic performance. Sooner or later, I'm probably going to buy this. But I wish it was in KONTAKT. I'm waiting for this Acoustic Samples to put their "Wurlie" on sale -- after learning about the library's existence last week from an earlier thread. I own several commercial Wurli libraries and have collected every decent sounding freebie Wurli I can find, but from AS' demos, that is the most beautiful sounding Wurlitzer Electric Piano library to my ears that I have yet to hear. The tone, the key/hammer sound, everything about it sounds perfect to me and they didn't even sample the same model 200A that was the most popular model back in the day (and the model we had in our home when I was a kid),, but sampled a student model that was modified. Whatever the case, this dev did the most amazing job from what I can tell. I really don't like the UVI user experience. I wish AS was still doing KONTAKT libraries, but man, I have yet to hear a Wurli library that captures what this one does, so when a good sale comes along, I'm grabbing this. https://www.acousticsamples.net/keys/wurlie
  3. And you know 100x more than I do about mixing! But yeah, it's really valuable to have folks talk about their experiences -- good and bad -- with plugins (and libraries) and what they think is really useful for certain applications. Often, I see posts from people way more knowledgeable than me on mixing -- like you -- and I read what they wrote and try stuff out. I just want to make sure people realize that when they're making those posts, they have a value beyond what they may realize. So please, everyone keep sharing your thoughts and geeking out. A lot of times when people post something is a great deal, like a compressor, I'm wondering if it might be useful tome, so when someone writes about the kind of applications where they use it, it's often very helpful in my early research process to determine if I should be spend money on it. Unrelated, I have been listening to this song again and again and Polyphia has become my new standard for my music -- consequently, I'll be selling everything off this weekend. I kid, I kid.
  4. @swijayaThe referral only works for people who've never purchased anything from 8Dio before. So, Fwrend is already an 8Dio customer; he can only get a $15 USD credit if someone uses his referral link. That's the reason I asked people to use his link instead of mine if they want to save $15USD.
  5. Just some thanks to everyone here. I've interacted with a bunch of you over the years and most of you know a lot more about effects and mixing than me, so I read your comments, likes and dislikes to guide me through the effects and try things out. I'm sure I'm not the only one doing this, so guys, when you're geeking out about gear you love as well as what you find disappointing, that's really helpful. So thanks, all.
  6. If anyone was planning to use my referral credits to get $15USD off on this library, please use @Fwrend's link instead. I don't need the credits, I was just looking to save people money. As Fwrend is looking to save some money on the library, if you use his link and you've never bought anything from 8Dio, you'll get $15 USD off on this or any other 8Dio library over $20 USD and he'll get $15 USD off. So it's a win/win with no downside. Also, pick up the Adagio libraries for an additional $8 USD ( I just did that earlier today; but frankly, I am out of space and will need a new hard drive to download it!). All you have to do is use 8Dio's chat and tell them (it always seems to be Thomas) about the deal and he'll email you a link. It's super easy and an incredible deal, IMO.
  7. With people buying this 109 GB string library, it's probably a good time for someone to post a hard drive deal!
  8. 8Dio 's referral discounts only apply to new customers for their first purchase. Edit: I wrote that before seeing pseudopop's post.
  9. Candidly, I've been hearing positive things about KONTAKT 7 from sample developers. That said, I'm still going to wait until the next big sale on KOMPLETE.
  10. Looking at their Facebook page, I now think the sale actually ends at midnight tonight/Friday as the sale was posted yesterday and reads 48 hours.
  11. Sorry to hear that. Have you contacted their support?
  12. I was just watching a Guy Michelmore video where he talks about his favorite string libraries. While Anthology wasn't among them, 8Dio Adagigo is. That's enough to get me to spend $8 to get it!
  13. A couple of years ago, I was chatting with someone from Izotope and I'm pretty sure he said that Neoverb uses the algorithm or whatever it is from R2 with AI technology.
  14. Just a reminder (it should be in thread title), but this flash sale ends tonight, so I would think 8Dio is on California time, which means there are 5 more hours to go until this sale ends.
  15. Thanks! I get Plugin Alliance emails, but by the time I look at my non personal emails, most of the sales have expired!
  16. @Doug Rintoul What do you think of the Adagigo library? I just have the Sordino Strings, but think they're very nice.
  17. Another review of Anthology. I just learned that when you buy this 8Dio will let you buy the entire Addagio Strings package for only $8 USD-- and I would call that a no brainer too (note that Cory P. goes over the Adagio libraries, which he is very fond of, in his video included in my above post). Note that this reviewer makes some similar observations that he loves some of the Adagio legatos a lot more than those included with Anthology, so it makes a good case of spending the $8 to buy both libraries. Don Bodon calls the string samples "superb" if you didn't feel like watching.
  18. I'm waiting for their next sale on their Solo Cello. If anyone reading this owns it, I'd love to get their thoughts on the library.
  19. THIS LIBRARY IS AN AMAZING DEAL AT $50 USD. IF YOU'VE NEVER BOUGHT ANYTHING FROM 8DIO, YOU CAN USE MY REFERRAL LINK TO GET IT FOR $35 USD. 8Dio's Anthology Strings library for $50 USD is an amazing deal, even beating Black Friday pricing. This is a library that originally sold for $699 USD and the best sale on it that I recall was for around $150 USD. There's nothing anything like this going for $50USD or even a few times the price. While I have pretty vocal in sharing my disappointment with the scripting on 8Dio's solo string libraries (I think Intimate Solo Strings and Deep Solo Viola and Deep Solo Cello could be scripted to be a lot more playable; it's not that there are problems with the script, it's just that they could have made much more intuitive scripts for those libraries) , I really like their Agitato Sordino Strings and Ostinato Strings libraries a lot and would recommend them. But for 50 bucks, it goes into no-brainer territory, because you simply can't find any string libraries of this quality for even 4 times the price. If you've never purchased anything from 8Dio before, you can use my referral link to get an additional $15 USD off, so you can pick this up for $35 USD using the below link (I'll get a $15 USD credit). http://8diocom.refr.cc/peterd Here's a review/comparison of the library by the most honest and thorough YouTuber reviewer that I know of, Cory Pelizzari. Corey's excellent. A very trustworthy musician giving honest and thorough reviews who is very candid in sharing strengths and weaknesses of the libraries he looks at. Unlike 99% of the YouTubers doing "reviews" he's not merely a shill salesmen for libraries. He can be brutal when a library has issues -- and you know after doing that, the developer of that library or plugin will no longer be sending him future freebies or offering payment for "reviews" and promoting their products.
  20. Well, first, I have consulted to OTS, and I had a lot of input into the Evolution series. I've been using guitar and bass sample libraries since the 1980s and when Orange Tree Samples first came out, I was blown away at the Strawberry Electric Guitar library. It was literally an innovation in guitar sample libraries and I can tell you that I chatted with many sample developers who've since introduced their own guitar libraries who shared that they were in awe of what Greg Schlaepfer was doing (one was Andrew Aversa who owns Impact Soundworks and later introduced his own guitar libraries he told me were his take on a more simple approach to what Greg was doing). So over 10 years ago. I contacted Greg told him I loved his libraries, told him of my background in marketing, branding, business strategy and that I'd be happy to provide some insights as a sample library user who has been obsessed with guitar libraries for decades. Flash forward and I started giving my input for how I believe a guitar library should work. At the time, all of the libraries expected keyboardists to understand how Guitar chords were played and the first thing I said was, "When a keyboardist plays an E in whatever inversion or an E7, E9th, etc., the script should translate that into how a guitarist plays it. " I then gave input on the strumming engine (this was before it was developed), so the Evolution strumming engine reflects my input and of course, I think it's very good. It's great because you're not limited to the presets. Now, you need to spend 10 minutes or so learning how it works, but once you do you can do basically any kind of strumming pattern you can think of. Let's say you want to do some 8th note strums, you can define up strokes or down strokes, harmonics and other articulations. Now, the only downside is that you need to invest 10 or so minutes to learn how it works to really understand it. But once you do, the same knowledge works with all the Evolution series guitars. Now if you compare that to NI's guitar libraries, they use a different approach. They use loops for strumming, which makes it dead easy to learn because you can't customize anything. Your merely playing a bunch of loops and everything you play sounds identical to any other user of their plugins because you're merely playing loops a guitarist played. With Evolution, it's not using loops, so you can do a near infinite amount of customization. I wish someone would do a side by side comparison. But that is the significant difference for strumming. For single notes, Evolution remains the best there is due to a combination of meticulous, detailed sampling and the best scripting there is. Before Greg started Orange Tree Samples he was doing scripting for developers like Cinesmples and earned a reputation as the best of the best in KONTAKT scripting. That scripting is critical for guitar, bass and string libraries (it's not as big a deal for say, piano and drum libraries, which are less complex).
  21. Does anyone own Spitfire's Solo Cello? I was interested in getting it for use in rock and folk rock and was wondering how it might work in those contexts. I want something that's well scripted where I don't need to go into midi and do edits and is dry without reverb baked in.
  22. Xperimenta Project, a KONTAKT sample developer that makes superb, detailed sample libraries is having a sale with up to 65% off. I highly recommend them. Everything I have of theirs is excellent. Their XVibe vibraphone library isn't on sale,but it's under $10 USD and it's awesome. Even their freebies are superb. Pick up their free version of the Preparato Piano, you'll be surprised at how good it is and that it's free. I think I'll be picking up that Harmonium -- it also contains a shruti box for under $10 USD on sale. Also, if you subscribe to their email, you'll get a code for an additional 5% off. UPDATE: I bought the Indian Harmonium. Very nice! - Indian Harmonium 9,99$ (reg. 29,99$, 65% off) - Preparato Piano 69,99$ (reg. 99,99$, 30% off) - Classica Double Bass 39,00$ (reg. 59,99$, 34% off) - XBass 9,99$ (reg. 19,99$, 55% off) - Preparato Double Bass 74,99$ (reg. 99,99$) - PF2 Piano 99,00$ (reg. 129,00$, -23% off) - Kantele 44,99$ (reg. 59,99$, -25% off) - Harpsichord 14,00$ (reg. 29,99$, 50% off) https://www.xperimentaproject.com/
  23. It's not in my wheelhouse, but it sounds fantastic (I revised my earlier post where I merely wrote nice, that was an understatement) and it's really cheap. It's going to be difficult to not buy this. Also, I've clicked your link and listened to your music in the past and found you're very talented, so I'm sure you'll put this to great use.
  24. Wow, that sounds great in the demos and only $39 USD! I do rock, but this sounds so good and it's such a great deal, I still find it tempting.
  25. I didn't see any exclusions or use limitations for the demo. As it's not a vocal or a loop, which are the forms of audio sold as sample libraries more likely to have strict licensing like you described, the FAQs don't mention any such limitations and it's very rare for a KONTAKT sample developer to put commercial limitations on a multisampled drum, piano or guitar library, I would expect this is like every other multisampled taster KONTAKT library and can be used for everything except being resold as a sample library. You can always drop the developer a note if you're very concerned or if you decide you're going to release a song commercially you can always buy the paid version of the library prior to releasing the music.
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