I have ESI Juli@ PCI soundcard running on Windows 8.1 PC (64 Bit). I currently run most recent Cakewalk by Bandlab 2019.05, Build 31 64Bit).
Check the uploaded Video. I simply dragged a beat (145 BPM) to the project, copied it once and activated playback metronome (Audio). As you can hear, it is completely out of sync. The screenrecorder recorded some 'crackling' which were not in the original. Currently, it is impossible to make music.
I recognize it to be out of sync the most time. Also, repeating the loop at the end seem to also create a small pause.
The video also showing my settings.
I already switched the mainboard (new PC) and re-installed ESI Juli@ drivers. I switched ASIO latency from 256 to 512. I activated "enable read caching" and "enable write caching" in "Sync and caching" settings, but all without success ?
Any idea about what else I can do?
2019-05-18 at 15-51-21.mp4