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  1. msmcleod - you sir are a genius! I went back and sure enough I had driver mode set to UWP. When I changed it to MME all of the Midi port names appeared (see screenshot). I'm marking this one SOLVED - thanks again ? Now I'm going to make a backup!
  2. Hi Folks, I had to reinstall my entire music PC (long story) recently and of course all of my software (since I didnt have a recent backup!?) Of course that included both SONAR Platinum and Cakewalk by Bandlab. Weird thing is, after reinstall the ports for my MOTU Midi-express XT only show up in Preferences as un-named Midi ports (see first pic). What's strange is that in other applications the names appear correctly, as in Dimension Pro below, even plugins within Cakewalk; also before the re-install the ports were showing up correctly as named ports. I uninstalled and re-installed SONAR, Cakewalk by Bandlab and my MOTU drivers but same thing. I can't tell which port is which or make assignments. Anyone see this before?
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